Part 11

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Hanvesh Pov
I couldn't see her crying like that.I can't even tell how much pain my heart felt while she was crying.Her body was shivering even when I hugged her.How much torcher must she have gone through that she couldn't even trust a man while hugging him.Thank God that my words could atleast comfort her and assure her that she is safe with me.I only saw her but do all women have to go through all this just because of a man.How cruel a man can be that he makes a woman so scared to even not be able to hug someone properly.I wish no one else should face this situations.I'll make sure that idiot pays for what he did.By the way is she feeling better now.I'll go and check but how can I go there now.She needs some time to process her thoughts right.Fine i'll just go and take a glance and come back.
(Hanvesh goes near Naina's desk and couldn't find her.He asks another employee but she said that she thought  Naina was still in the boss's cabin.Hanvesh gets worried and starts checking around the whole building,then he hears crying sound and he heads towards the ladies washroom just see Deepthi crying while holding Naina in her hand's.Naina fainted in the washroom.They took her to the hospital.Later in the hospital when Naina wakes up she sees Deepthi and says..)
Naina: What happened?
Deepthi: How are you feeling?Are you fine?Wait i'll go and get the doctor.
Doctor: Ms.Naina you are fine it's nothing serious but you have to be careful next time.You've had a panic attack and fainted due to the stress you've gone through.So make sure you don't face the same situation again also don't take too much stress.
Naina: Ok Doctor.
Deepthi: Wait you had a panic attack!!What did I miss out on?What happened?You went to meet the boss and after that I saw you fainted in the washroom.Tell me what exactly has happened in that short span of time.
Naina: Honey i'm sorry but can I talk later about all this ,for now i'll take some rest.My mind is really messed up and I can't even talk or think about anything else.Please.
Deepthi: Sure.First you take some rest and then we can talk.Health comes first.Also i'm staying with you tonight .I know you need to organize your thoughts.So i'll sleep on the couch and you sleep inside.After all that has happened I can't risk leaving you alone.Atleast until you recover completely.
Naina: Why take all the trouble.It's fine I am not a kid.I can take care of myself Honey.Don't worry.
Deepthi: Don't talk anything else and do what I say.First let's get home now.
(They both reach home.Naina takes a bath and sits on the bed.Meanwhile,Deepthi already took a bath and is sleeping.Naina goes through her purse to find her phone.Just then she comes across a note.It says...)

By Hanvesh
How are you feeling now?Did you take the medicines doctor gave.The doctor asked me what happened and I had to tell him an outline of what exactly has happened.I'm sorry I didn't come inside while he was threatning you.I wanted to stay there until you woke up but your friend was there.So I was afraid she might ask me what happened and all.I didn't know if should tell her or not.If you trust me and can rely on me i'll give my number to you.Could you just text me about how you are?I am not forcing you it's your choice.Anyways take care and rest well.Next time don't let such idiots even come near you.Actually i'll make sure they don't.Here is my number 91########.Take care.Bye.

Naina Pov
How sweet of him.He is so considerate indeed but wait why is  he so considerate.There is no reason for him to be so considerate right.He even gave me his number but I am not able to trust anyone right now.I wish I could trust men and have good relationship with them like everyone.Since my childhood all the men I know have betrayed me in the worst way possible.My father doesn't even care about me.Eversince mom came to know about his affair.He has never stayed at home properly.He comes home late at night and leaves early in the morning.Then comes Akhil whom I had trusted,loved and cared for more than anyone.He cheated on me behind my back.Now,my boss tried to use me and there's more.That one night I wish I never had gone out.That one mistake made things even worse for me.(Cries remembering her past where a man tries to pull her and kisses her forcefully and...Naina hears her phone ring)
She picks her phone just to see her mom calling.

Naina's mom:Hello.How are you?
Naina:Hi mom.I'm good.How are you and Sis?I couldn't even call her these days.How is she doing?
Naina's mom:Why would you even bother calling us right.Anyways i don't wanna argue with you.Listen.
Naina:Yes mom.I'm listening tell me.
Naina's mom:I hope you remember our neighbour Mr.Rathore.
Naina: Yes mom.I do remember he is Rayan's father right.
(Mr.Rathore and his family used to live beside Naina's house.Naina and Rayan were really close.They used to play daily after school.But then Mr.Rathore shifted to a different city due to work issues.Naina asked Rayan to call her and keep in touch but he never called her nor lifted her calls after moving.Naina felt sad for few days and eventually forgot about him.
Naina's mom:He called me yesterday and told me that their son Rayan is getting married next month.
Naina: Ohhh really!!That's great.Convey my wishes to him mom if you go to their wedding.
Naina's mom: Don't play dumb.If only I was going why would I call you?He invited our entire family.I need you to take leave and come attend the wedding.
Naina: Mom I would love to attend the wedding but I really can't come.
Naina's mom: Just stop giving me excuses.I don't know what you'll do, you must be present at their wedding.
Naina: Mom why do you have to be so persistent.I am telling you that I can't come right can't you understand.
Naina's mom: Do you even know that it's been years since you last visited us.Leave us.Think about your sister.Don't you want to meet her?Don't you miss her?
Naina: I've told you several times to send her to me but you were the one who stopped her.I would love to meet my sister.I call her on a daily basis and know about her wherabouts.I know how to keep my sister safe even though I am not present over there.
Naina's mom: Stop irritating me.This is the last time I am telling you.You should be present at the wedding at any cost and if you fail to be present.You'll see what will happen.

(Ends the call with her mom and starts thinking again) Why am I the bad one in everyone's pov when I am the victim.I'm worried about sis how is she going through all of this shit.I shouldn't have left her alone but she forced me to go.Now I need to face boss again and bear with him if I need to go home. I really don't want to go.Let's see what'll happen there is still a month left right.Now,Should I call him but I really can't,he can be sweet and really good but I don't have enough courage to call him.I'll meet him in person tomorrow and apologize.That's better for now I can't trust new people.
(Goes to the couch where Deepthi was sleeping and sits beside her and says..)Thanks for all that you've done for me Honey but I guess i'm a really bad friend.You're the only person who helped and supported me to go through everything.I'm really really sorry for hurting you.I just need sometime and then i'll tell you everything for sure.
(Naina gets up and was about to go,suddenly Deepthi grabs her hand and says....)

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