Part 3

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Deepthi : Actually the thing is I happen to meet someone really really special during my vacation at my village.                                                                                                                                                                             Naina : Wait..What??Seriously you meet someone and who is that??May I know his name?               Deepthi : Wait..Wait babe I'll tell you each and every detail one by one,I will tell you the entire story but now start eating your lunch I'll tell you while you eat.                                                                        Naina : Ok..Ok I am eating now tell me.Please!! I really need to know who won that heart of yours.                                                                                                                                                                                            Deepthi : Ok..Listen now.You know right I went to my hometown to see my grandma as she was really ill and she hardly had few more days left to live.                                                                                           Naina : Yeah..I totally forgot to ask how is she?What happened to her?                                                        Deepthi : She passed away.The day i went there in front my eyes she closed her eyes forever.I really wish I had more time to spend with her.She is my first best friend with whom I could share anything.All I wish now is she stays happy and healthy no matter where she is.I hope she is watching me from above and listens to what I am saying.She really can't do this do to me.She left me all alone.All she gave me was her love.(Starts crying...)You know the day I went to see her.The very first day she told me that,"No matter what happens I should always stay strong and fight this world just like how I used to fight with my parents to stay with grandma during my holidays".These were her last words to me.She also gave me her ring that she loved the most because I made it with my hands especially for her when i was little and told that it's time for someone else to wear it.(Crys holding that ring in her hand)                                                                          (Naina comforts her by hugging her and pats her back telling her not cry)                                                  Naina : Oh..Come on Honey where did you start and where did you go??Do you think I am happy to see you cry like this when I expected your face to glow up when you speak about your vacation.Don't cry I can't see you like this.If youre gonna cry like this let's stop here don't cry now.We'll talk later for now you calm down and rest a bit.                                                                                   (Deepthi still sobbing says )                                                                                                                                                Deepthi : I just can't help it I miss her too much to not cry.I am really sorry I didn't mean to cry or ruin our talk I just couldn't hold back my tears.                                                                                                    Naina : Its alright honey.Nothing is your fault.If you cry like this your grandma for sure will feel really really upset.Lighten up dear and here have this strawberry milkshake and cheer up.I am giving you this on behalf of your grandma.Drink it!!                                                                                               (Deepthi drinks it and tells)                                                                                                                                                Deepthi : I used to drink this with my grandma when I was little.Thanks to you I still got someone to drink this with.Fine lets eat our food and go.                                                                                     Naina : yeah lets eat up!!(They both eat and get back to work)                                                                         (Later that evening at 7:30)                                                                                                                                                 Naina and Deepthi are walking on the road after they finish their work.They slowly walk as they didn't want to take a cab back home.                                                                                                                           Naina : Wow!!How peaceful it is I wish I could enjoy this moment forever.The night sky above me and having you by my side it's perfect.Uhhh!!Honey how about eating out today.                                  Deepthi : Yeah..fine if you want to let's go. By the way what do you want to eat?                                     Naina : How about pasta ??                                                                                                                                                Deepthi : Love it!! Let's go seems like there is some restaurant there.                                                            (They go to a restaurant and sit down )                                                                                                   Meanwhile......                                                                                                                                                                       Deepthi : Babe do you want go to the restroom ??                                                                                                    Naina : Nope! You go I'll just sit here.                                                                                                                            Deepthi : Fine then I'll go and come.                                                                                                                             Deepthi goes to the restroom and Naina sits alone just looking around the restaurant.Then suddenly her gaze falls on a man who is as tall as he could be wore a black coat and is so handsome that she just couldn't take her eyes of him.He headed towards her,she thought he was coming to her and was getting nervous.Due to her nervousness she even dropped the napkin she was holding.Just as she bent down to pick it up.That man crossed over her hands and went  he  even  pushed her napkin away by mistake. But what made Naina angry  was he didn't even bother turning back and apologizing.                                                                                                   Naina : Ushhh!! These ruthless bastards for a minute I even fell for him.Who does he think he is?   Then Naina stands up from her chair and says....                                                                                                   Naina : Excuse me.Don't  you even have minimum common sense not crossover someone like that.Despite crossing over you didn't even bother apologizing.Just if your rich doesn't mean you can do anything you wish.Apologize right now!!                                                                                                      Then that guy says(His name is Hanvesh)                                                                                                                   Hanvesh : Are you talking to me right now?                                                                                                               Naina : Who else do you think?                                                                                                                                        Hanvesh : Huhhhh!! You got some guts but don't obstruct me right now.I am really busy.Get out of my way.                                                                                                                                                                                  Naina : I will get out of your way but for that you need to apologize first.                                                    Hanvesh : Ughhh!! This crazy woman.(To his secretary)Handle her.                                                                (Saying like that Hanvesh leaves the place.)                                                                                                               Naina : Heyy...Where are you going like that in the middle of a conversation.You bastard!!                 Secretary : Mam please calm down.I apologize on behalf of my boss.He didn't meant to do so.He is in a hurry so please understand.I will do whatever I can so tell me what to do.                        Naina : You're not the one at fault he is.He should be apologizing not you.Do one thing for me since you said you will.Go straight to your  boss and tell him that he needs to learn some manners.                                                                                                                                                                                     (After that Naina goes back and sits in her place then Deepthi comes out of the restroom and asks Naina why she looks frustrated.Then Naina says...)                                                                               Naina : Nothing just a ruthless and crazy bastard who doesn't even know how to apologize for his actions.                                                                                                                                                                                Deepthi : It's alright baby.Calm down don't get worked up due to someone like him just leave let's order something.What do you want to eat baby?                                                                                           Naina : Order anything you like.I just lost my apetite.                                                                                           Deepthi : come on don't be like that.Cheer up! I'll order our favourite French carbonara.                   (They order the food and start eating just then Naina remembers something)                                         Naina : Hey!! I almost forgot to ask you againa tell me the story.                                                                    Deepthi : Finally I get the time to tell you.I was really wanting to tell you ever since I cameback.    Now listen carefully. After my grandma's demise I just stayed away from everyone for nearly a week.After a week I missed my grandma so much so I wished to go to her grave and see her.So I got dressed neatly and went to the graveyard.I went and sat beside my grandma's grave and I started talking to her about variouse things and slowly I started to tear up.I was sobbing there just then a hand lent me a napkin.I looked up to see who it was...                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

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