Part 4

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Deepthi Pov                                                                                                                                                                              I looked up with teary eyes to someone who was really tall and handsome with long veiny hands lending me a napkin.He was looking at me and told me,"Take this napkin and wipe your tears first".I just couldn't refuse him and took the napkin and wiped my eyes.Just when I was about to get up and leave.He came and sat beside me.My heart was beating really fast I just couldn't sit near him.Somehow I managed and kept myself calm then he told me,"Even if you crying nothing is gonna change,the people gone are gone for good they can't come back even if you cry your heart out.If they have to leave then let them leave.It is better to move on sometimes rather than holding onto something that's gone".His word were cold but comforting,harsh but sweet I felt like listening to him all day long but he said,"I am leaving now make a wise choice so that you won't regret it later".I was lost in his eyes when he turned away and left.All I wished was to meet him again just then a thought crossed my mind I said,"Wait!! I will return your napkin to you could you give me your address or something to give it to you".He chuckled and said,"No need to return keep it with you".I couldn't say anything and just watched him leave.                                             5 days passed and still I wished to see him once again all these days I held the napkin he gave me and slept not because I love him or something just because I felt like someone is there on whom I could rely on.He showed up just like a ray of light in my darkest night.Today I wanted to go to the village's orphanage school to spend some time with children there.They all know as I visit them frequently.I went there and to my suprise my wish came true I found him again.He was there sitting between all those little children playing with them heartfully.The sight in front of me was really beautiful I smiled and I didn't want ruin it by disturbing them.So I silently watched him.Until he saw and came towards me.He stood in front of me and again my stupid heart started beating like crazy.Even before he could say something a child came running from behind and pushed me.I fell into his arms my heading touching his heart and my hands in his.I could feel his heartbeat racing.I looked upto towards him and found him already looking at me.I stared into his eyes forgetting everything just feeling his warmth in his arms, I was lost in my own world.Then a woman came near us and told us to move aside they were taking some boxes inside.I cam back to my senses and took my hands away and stepped back.He asked,"How are you doing?Seems like you made the right choice.Good for you".I said,"All thanks to you if I had not met you that day I would not have been like this now but still I want to correct you crying might not bring the dead back alive but it will for sure show us how much we love them that we still remember and care for them even if they are not present here with us ".He sighed and looked away and said,"Anyways why are you here?Any work?".I said,"No nothing just wished to see those little kids after a really long time.Why are you here by the way?".He said,"Nice.I am here because this orphanage is ours,just take a look on how things are going on".I smiled and went towards the kids and sat between them.I started playing chess with them.There were two kids who were playing and the remaining were cheering them on.I was helping one kid paly.He noticed the other kid was alone and came to play on his behalf.They both were one team And I and the other kid were the other team.We were playing with complete seriousness and then I lost a pawn to them.He laughed and said,"First learn how to play ,then come and play with experts".I said,"Don't act as if you know everything about chess".He raised an eyebrow and said,"Don't challenge me or you will have to pay".I said,"Who are you trying to scare?If you really have guts lets have a one on one game".He agreed and we sent the kids aside and started the game again.We were sitting face to face.He was playing with complete seriousness and concentration.Apart from the situation I really couldn't take my eyes of him he was so damn handsome I just couldn't turn my gaze away but still I somehow managed to play.We almost reached the end of the game.He had two pawns,the king and the queen.I had one pawn,the king.the queen and a knight.his king was just two steps away from my queen and 4 steps from my knight and my pawn almost reached the other end I could even ask for another piece from him but I looked at him he was really involved I just didn't want him to loose to me and that to infront of kids.I thought he might feel embarassed and made a really ridiculous move by moving my king a step closer to him.The tension grew and finally he won.I didn't know but even though I lost to him I didn't feel sad instead I felt really really happy as he won.That minute that day I realized I fell deeply for the man infront of my eyes.But I stopped myself as it was too soon to tell him it's been just two meetings and I already fell for him.He might think I am just crazy or something.I went near him and stretched out my hand to him to congratulate him.He held his head high in triumph as if he won the world cup and said,"See I warned you not to challenge me anyways thank you".I smiled looking at him.He told the kids he would treat them as he won.He looked at me and asked me also to join them as I was also a part of the game.I agreed and went to a restaurant nearby.We all ordered food and ate untiil our stomachs were full.He sent the kids back to the orphanage.We were both alone standing beside each other with complete silence.To break the silence I said,"Thank you for the meal.I'll take my leave then" and then I started walking away.He suddenly held my hand and asked me to stop.I looked at him holding my hand with confusion and nervousness.He left my hand and apologized and said,"Isn't it too late to go alone ,come with me I'll drop you off".I felt overjoyed to see him care about me but still I didn't want trouble him so I said,"No need to do that it's fine I am used to these roads I can go by myself and also i need to walk a bit to digest my food".He said,"Fine then let's go together then I slso ate too much lets walk together".Before I could say anything he started walking and dragged me with him.He didn't even realize that he was holding my hand so we were holding each others hand and walking on the road.Then suddenly he asked,"Hey by the way we don't even know each others name till now.Let me introduce myself to you,My name is Akhil.What's your name?".I replied,"My name is Deepthi".He again asked me,"If you don't mind telling me.Can I know who was the reason you went to the graveyard yesterday?Is it your boyfriend or something?".I replied,"Nooo..I went there to see my grandma she passed away just a few days ago and for your kind information I am happily still single".                                                                                                        

Akhil Pov                                                                                                                                                                                   I don't know why I feel relieved but I am a little relieved that she is single.I don't know why I am worried about her,why I am sad that I won the game instead of her,I don't know why I don't want to leave her hand right now.Anyway,she is just a passing cloud.All women are the same they just are good in the beginning eventually they leave us alone and go their own way.I don't want my heart to get broken again.It's better not to get involved with her again.I hope I don't see her again.If I see her again I just can't ignore her.                                                                                                             

Deepthi Pov                                                                                                                                                                             After a really long walk finally we reached my home.I was worried to let him go back alone so I asked him,"Thank you for accompanying me till my home.Why don't you stay here tonight it's already dark right.Stay here this night and you can go early tomorrow what do you say?".After saying so I looked at his face with a little hope that he would agree stay.After deep thought and arguing I somehow managed to convince him to stay over.He changed into my father's clothes,I really don't know why he is so good looking in anything he wears for heaven's sake,Why does everything have to suit him so perfectly.Then I gave him a blanket and a pillow and led him to the room to stay for the night.It was my favourite room in the entire house,my grandma's room.After entering into the room he asked me,"Why is this room filled with your photos mostly?".I answered,"This is my grandma's room.She loves me so much that's why the entire room is filled with our photos".I was about to show him how the washroom thats when I slipped and fell into his arms and again there was a staring game but this time no one was there disturb we looked at each other for long enough and he said,"Looks like today your aim was to fall into my arms you've been doing that since morning".I looked at him and said,"Yeah as if you're the only handsome man in this universe and all the girls are lined up to fall into your arms".He ignored my words and then helped me stand up.But I couldn't as I sprained my ankle I again fell down.He was trying to help me stand up but I couldn't.He then asked me where was my roomI told him,he then looked deep into my eyes and held my in his arms.I rounded my hands around his neck and looked at his face.At that moment I was really the happiest person maybe.He looked at me and said,"You really are something".I didn't reply anything because I was really busy enjoying this moment.                                                                                                                                               

Akhil Pov                                                                                                                                                                                   The more I want be far away from her the more near I have to go to her.She is just like an addiction.I don't want to get more addicted to her.I am scared if I stay any longer I will not be able to leave her.Finally I reached her room.I layed her on the bed and was about to leave just then she held my hand and said....

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