Part 5

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Just then she held my hand and said,"Thank you for being lending me your help everytime I
need it without any hesitation".I smiled and looked at her  held her hand and said,"Not only now
whenever you need someone to rely on whenever you feel lonely reach out to me and I'll be
there for you".She held my hand even tighter and slowly went to sleep.I stared at her while she
was sleeping so peacefully.She is so cute while sleeping.I then realized I am not supposed to do
this.No I can't be like this.I quickly got up grabbed by belongings.Just when I was about leave I
took one last glance at her and left without saying a word.                                                                               
 Deepthi Pov                                                                                                                                                                             
At the break of day I woke up looking at the time.Then I was shocked as it is already 10:00 am
and I ran towards his room but I couldn't find him anywhere.I literally searched each and every
room in the entire house but I couldn't find him anywhere.Then filled with disappointment I
went to my room and sat on my bed.That's when tears started flowing down my eyes.I just
couldn't hold myself back.I was angry and sad at the same time.How could he even leave like
that without even sayind a word to me?He could have atleast woke me up right?Does he even
value me?He could have stayed for some more time right?He left just like that?We were with
each other the entire but I couldn't even get his number.How am I going to contact him again?
How will I meet him again?Is this really how it's going to end?I didn't even tell him my
feelings,how could it end this early?All these questions were running in my mind.I folded my
legs kept my head down and was crying like crazy.My mom came to me several times asked me
to eat something but I just didn't feel like eating anything.What am I gonna do I should leave
India in 10 days?I have meet him somehow before these 10 days.He needs to know how I feel
about him.I am not letting him go this easily.I sat down thought for sometime and remembered
he told me that the orphanage was theirs.Yeah thats right if I go there I could know something
about him.I got ready the next day and went straight to the orphanage.I asked the orphan
keeper if she knew his phone number or something.She told me that she doesn't have his
number but she has his address.He lives somewhere really far from our hometown.I can't go
there especially now because I don't know what to tell my parents.They already are so sad about
my grandmother's demise and me locking myself up for so many days.I can't make them feel
sad again but if I don't go how am I gonna see him.I asked the keeper if she knows when will he
come here again.She said that she doesn't know because he comes here ocasionally.Again
losing all my hopes I head back towards my home.On my way back home I saw his car parked
under a tree.Hoping to see him I headed towards the car.I found him sleeping in the car.I
knocked on the window.He opened his eyes slowly and saw me.He couldn't believe his eyes,he
rubbed them again and looked at me.I gestured him to open the door.He opened the door for
me.I got inside the car and looked at him and said,"I thought someone wanted to leave so badly
that they even left without an intimation.It's a suprise to see them here ".He looked down and
spoke in a slow voice,"I left yesterday but came again".I looked at him and said,"Are you serious?
You left and came again.Why?".He looked deep into my eyes and said,"Can I ask you one thing?".I
felt nervous but nodded my head .He asked me,"Can you please avoid me and not be so nice to
me.Can you just pretend we don't know each other because I really don't want to get tangled up
with you.I can't afford breaking my heart for another woman".I was taken abavk by what he
said.My eyes started tearing up ,I said to him,"But why do you want me to do that?You have
already abandoned me by leaving without a word and now you even want to keep more
distance from me.How could you say that you can't afford?I never asked you to love me.Can't
you just be a good friend to me atleast?".He sadly smiled and said,"I really wish I could see you
as a friend but you mean something more to me and I don't like the fact that you are more than
a friend.You know what I seriously don't want to get into any sort of relationship again.My bad
luck I got into a relationship around 7 years ago.I loved her with all my heart like crazy.I spent all
my time with her.We made wonderful memories together and we even imagined about our life
together.Just when everything was being as perfect as it could be she left me for another
guy.She changed her number and even sent his pics to me.She told me to stay away but my bad
I still love her.Till the day I met you  I loved but because of you I am afraid I might forget her even
though she broke my heart.I still wait for her,wish she would return to me.I cannot and will not
let anyone replace her".Hearing those words my heart broke into pieces.The love and the
hearted that I thought should be mine belongs to someone else and it will never be mine.I
looked at him with teary eyes and said,"Don't worry I am never gonna let that happen.I will keep
my distance from you but I still hope we could be friends".I looked at hoping he would atleast
accept me as his friend.He thought and nodded his head and said,"Fine let's be good friends".I
was a little happy,I wiped my tears and said,"Okay now since we are friends.I need to tell you
something.I don't stay here.I came here just for vacation and I will be leaving in 8 days".He was
shocked and said,"What you're gonna leave that soon.Fine then tomorrow I'll treat you to a
meal".I looked at him and said,"Seriously!I am leaving and all you do is take me to a meal.That's
really disappointing".He was confused and said,"I am sorry.What else should I do?".I told
him,"These 8 days I'll give you a tour of our village stay here and see our village.That's the least
you could do for me".He agreed and dropped me off at my home.After I got off from his car I
stood by the window and said,"Bye then.Let's meet tomorrow morning at 9.I'll take you
somewhere really special".Saying so I went into my house.After I ate and came to my bedroom
to sleep.I just thought about what happened today.Today was really tiring,I am happy,sad and
excited all at the same time.A tear left my eye and I slept thinking about him.                                         
Next day morning......                                                                                                                                                           
Akhil Pov                                                                                                                                                                                 
Where is she going to take me?Should I wear formal or infromal clothes?Should I wear shoes or
sandals?Will this look good?Nahh I think this one looks better.I've been in front of the mirror
since morning 6 but still not able to decide what to wear.Why am I overdoing things?Will she
think I like her or something?No she said we're friends right so there's nothing to worry
about.Anyways I have to get ready real quick she might be waiting for me.(Time passes at 9
infront of Deepthi's house).She told me to come at 9 and she's still not coming.What's taking her
so long?I am really curious about where she is going to take me.(Hears footsteps approaching
and looks up to see her coming).Woahh!!What am I seeing right now.She looks damn gorgeous
right now.She is wearing a saree.It suits her so perfectly.She comes near the car,I get out and
open the door for her.She smiles and sits inside the car.After sitting I ask her,"So can you now tell
me where we are headed to?I am really curious".She giggles and says,"What's the hurry you'll
know once we get there.For now I'll show you the directions and you drive".I listened to her
directions and finally reached to a small garden.There were many types of flowers there each
one was wonderful.But I wondered why did she take me there.                                                                     
 Deepthi Pov                                                                                                                                                                             
 He looked confused.I turned to him and said,"Why are you standing there come forward."He
came forward and was looking around then I said to him,"You know why I bought you here
today.This place is really special for in our village.Not everyone knows about this place.Only a
few of them know they come here and plant a flower plant in the name of their love.Then they
believe their relationship is going to last forever.I bought you here today so that you can plant
something for your love as a memory.Then I looked at him and gestured him to select a flower
plant.Then I gave him a note and told him to write a wish secretly it might come true.He took the
paper and wrote something.I didn't bother seeing what he wrote but I know it's something for
his girlfriend.After writing the note he tied it to the plant and when he was about to plant it.He
asked me to help plant it with him.We planted the plant together and then headed to eat
something.After eating I showed him a few famous spots in our village and then we were
heading back home in his car.                                                                                                                                         
 Akhil Pov                                                                                                                                                                                   
 Today was wonderful all thanks to her.After many years I am so relieved because of her.I turned
to look at her just to see her sleeping peacefully.She was so cute even while she is sleeping.I
parked the car by the side of the road for sometime just to look at her for a few more minutes.I
know I am falling for you day by day but I am afraid I can't face my first love if she comes back.I
am so sorry if my actions hurt you.If I am not harsh on you I could get even closer to you and end
up falling for you which is not correct for me.You shouldn't stop for me you deserve much better
than me.I hope you meet someone way better than me.If you don't love me then it is much
better you don't even have to worry about me.Her hair is really messy and she is snoring while
sleeping but still I don't know I find her really cute.I tucked her hair behind her ears made her
head rest on my shoulders and started to drive the car.I feel really happy right now I just couldn't
control the urge to hold her hand since she was asleep I decided to take a little advantage of her
even though it was not right.So I held her hand and drove the car with the other.After many sad
and tearful nights I think I could rest peacefully and happily this night.We reached home I woke
her up.She woke up and looked at me and said,"Sorry I didn't know how I feel asleep.I am really
sorry I couldn't keep you company while driving."I chuckled and looked at her and said,"You
don't know how much you helped me by sleeping.It was much better you slept.Anyways go back
in.I'll leave after seeing you go inside"She agreed and went inside.                                                               
 Deepthi Pov                                                                                                                                                                             
Seriously I am so embarassed right now.Like how can I even sleep like that?I finally got a chance
to talk with him and spen sometime peacefully with him.I could have atleast learnt something
more about his love or I could have atleast changed his mind a bit.I am really stupid.(Receives a
notification and checks from who it is)....                                                                                                                   

Akhil:Hey.Are you sleeping already?                                                                                                                             

Deepthi:No.What are you doing?Are you not sleepy?You've been driving all day.                                   

Akhil:I am going to sleep I just texted to tell you something.I am really happy today just because
of you.My mind is really relaxed and refreshed thanks to your company all day long.Finally after

many days I am going to sleep really peacefully with no regrets.You really are an amazing friend. 

 Deepthi:Thanks to you too because you agreed and spent the entire day with

me.Goodnight.Sweet dreams.Bye.                                                                                                                                 


 Did he really text me just say thank you?I am so happy that he thanked me.I am on cloud nine
right now.I don't even know if I can sleep tonight.By the where should I take him
tomorrow.There are so many places.I am so excited for the coming 6 days.Each day of these 6
days I am going to treasure all the memories and moments I get to spend with you.                           
 (Next day morning Akhil comes to pick Naina up from her house the next day at morning 9
Akhil : So where are we headed to today?                                                                                                                   
Deepthi:I also don't know about today.I tell you where to stop just keep going like that.Let's go
on a long drive or something like that.What do you say?

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