Part 10

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Naina: What do you think you're doing?Are you out of your mind or what?What are you thinking sir?That day in the staircase nothing happened between me and Mr.Hanvesh.I had a few misunderstandings with Mr.Hanvesh so I was just sorting them out that's it.Also,Why are you behaving all weird all of a sudden sir?
Boss: Enough of your bullshit.I don't want to hear a single word from your mouth.Listen carefully,Tonight if you don't satisfy my needs.I am afraid I'll have to fire you.I think you know me well enough.Don't make things harder for you and me as well.
Naina: Why would you fire me?How can you play such cheap tricks?Fine.If you want to fire me go ahead.But I will never ever in my life get on my knees for someone like you.You think i'll fall for such cheap tricks.Do whatever the heck you want to do.I'll never do what you want me to do.
(Saying so Naina opens the door and sees Hanvesh standing outside.Her eyes were filled with tears she just gave glance at Hanvesh and ran away.Hanvesh went inside the boss's office and says...)
Hanvesh: Hello sir.How are you doing?Can we have a little talk?Please sit down.
Boss: Yeah sure sir.What is it that you want to talk about?
Hanvesh: I just wanted to know if you had anyone else to back you up in the company.I got a bit curious cause you were so careless back then while talking to her.You spoke to her like no one can question you.
Boss: Sir.I apologize did you hear our conversation?I just wanted to talk some sense into her.The other day she misbehaved with you right.I just wanted to let her know her place.
Hanvesh: You're right everyone should know their place and behave accordingly right.Then can I ask you something?
Boss: Sure Sir
Hanvesh: (He stands up and goes near the boss's chair and asks)Why did you not know your place while talking to her?Who said you have the rights to let her know her place?How shameless of a person are you to ask a woman to sleep with you?Men like you are the reason why women are afraid of men.If she should know her place then you should also know your place right.
(Hanvesh slaps him twice on his cheeks,punches him thrice on his face and nose, folds his hand backward and hits his head on the table.Then makes the boss standup and kicks him on his knees so that he falls down on his knees.Then Hanvesh tells him...)
Hanvesh: I believe you know your place.Now,with this same position you better go and apologize to her,if she forgives you I will leave you or else i'll make you pay for what you did.Also,within a week time make sure you resign after that I should never see you in this office.If I see you bymistake i'll make sure you can never go to another office in your life.
(After running away Naina goes to the stairway sits on the stairs and starts crying.Her body was shivering and her and feet were cold.She was not able to digest the fact that she is going to loose her job.She starts remembering all that she had to go through to reach where she is today.She realized that they day she feared would come had come and now she has nothing to do rather than giveup on her career.Then suddenly she sees her boss in front of her kneeling down with bruises all over his face.She gets scared and was about to getup just then her boss grabs her hand and says...)
Boss: Ms.Naina please listen to me.I apologize sincerely for all the times I made you uncomfortable or the situations where I took advantage of you.It was wrong of me for taking advantage of your helplessness.I will never disturb you again.Could you please forgive me and let me live my life with peace?
Naina: It's fine please leave me alone and go.I don't understand what you are planning to do that you are apologizing all of a sudden.Just don't treat anyone else the way you treated me.
Boss: Thank you!!Thank you soo much Naina!!I'll never ever treat anyone inappropriately from now on.
(Boss leaves.Naina doesn't understand the sudden change of behaviour in her boss.She then gets up and turns back to see Hanvesh standing behind and watching her.She asks..)
Naina: What happened sir?Why are you looking at me like that?
Hanvesh: I am just looking coz i've never seen you like this.The Naina I know is bold and doesn't care about anyone.I may not know much about you but as far as I know.I never knew you I would be able to witness you in this state.
Naina: (Hearing him speak like that Naina starts to tear up and shouts at him)Do you even know anything about me?You know nothing.If I am bold and speak up for myself does that mean I don't have problem or does that mean I don't have human emotions.I do have emotions.I want to cry but I can't.I want to rely on someone but I can't.I want to tell all the shit I have to face every single day cause of him but I can't.I want my life to be in my control but it isn't.I want to have a tension free and happy day but I can't.
(Then Naina was about to leave Hanvesh catches her hand and pulls her into a hug and closes the door and says....)
Hanvesh: I am sorry if I have hurt you.Cry all you want i'll stay like this and make sure no one comes.Rely on me all you want.Tell me everything you want to tell.Your life will always be in yur control if anyone tries to snatch it from you tell me and i'll make sure their life goes out of their hands.(Pats her hand and hugs her.Naina also wraps her hand around Hanvesh and hugs him tightly and starts crying)No women in this world deserves to cry cause of a idiot like him,especially the ones whom I can protect.Next time something like this happens make sure you tell me immediately i'll make sure he never comes near you.
(Naina crys on for sometime then they break the hug and go to their respective desks.) 

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