Chapter 2~The Gate's Open

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"Layla?!" She jerked out of my arms and landed on the ground, and tried to crawl away. Then she stopped and narrowed her eyes, and looked at me closer.
"Wait... you're not Layla. Are you... Lucy?!" Her eyes widened, and so did mine.
"How do you know that?!" I felt unsure, and unease took hold of me. This girl was friends with Master Mavis, a long time before my mother had been born.
Then she looked at Master Mavis and Makarov and her breathing increased in speed.
"No! I'm not... I can't... I wont... this can't be happening! Do you know what you've done?!"
"Um... We saved you."
"No shit Sherlock. But you also released... them." She seemed afraid of whoever 'they' were.
"Kyofu, who are they?" Asked Master Makarov. That's when we heard a distant roar coming from the giant hole Kyofu had come out of.
"That's them!" Kyofu's eyes widened. She turned to us. "We have to get out of here!!"

"Well, well. If it isn't little Tinkerbell. Feels nice to get some fresh air, doesn't it?" We all turned around and met eyes with a boy around thirteen. He had dark black hair and green eyes.
"I've told you many times, my name isn't Tinkerbell!" Snarled Kyofu. "Besides, I don't have time for you Kizu! Don't you recognize that roar?"
Kizu snorted. "Of course I recognize it. I'm not stupid. I was just wondering where you're going."
"I'm going to Fairy Tail!" Growled Kyofu. "And don't try to stop me either!"
"Now why would I try to stop you Tinkerbell? Go along and have a good time while you can."
"Please shut up." Kyofu sighed. Then she turned to us. "Please hurry. We don't want to get caught."
"By what?" I asked.
Another roar echoed out of the hole.
"By that."

"Run faster please!!" Yelled Kyofu. I panted as we ran to the boat. Well, I ran. The two Masters somehow were already on the boat, and Kyofu basically glided over the ground with two beautiful wings. I could actually understand why that Kizu called her Tinkerbell. She looked just like what you would expect of a fairy. Only she was person-sized.
A horrifying roar echoed through the island. I shivered because my last time on Tenrou Island didn't end very well. Soon we got to the boat, and we all got out of there as fast as we could.
"I'm sorry I was rude when we first met Lucy. My name is Kyofu Masuta." Kyofu turned and bowed to me.
"That's ok. But how did you know me in the first place?" I asked.
"I will explain. But first I have to do something very professional." Kyofu turned to Master Mavis.
"MAVIS!" She shrieked, and glomped Fairy Tail's first master. Master Mavis hugged back with equal force.
"It's so great to see you again Kyofu!" Master Mavis said with glee. Then, after the touching reunion, Kyofu let out a sad sigh.
"Though I wish you all hadn't released me..."
"Why is that Kyofu?" Asked Master Makarov. Kyofu tilted her head.
"Who are you, old timer?"
Master Makarov popped a vein.
"I am the third master of Fairy Tail, Makarov. I'm also the fifth master."
Kyofu again tilted her head. "How can you be the third and fifth master?"
I sighed. "Long story."
        "Well anyway, the reason you shouldn't have released me was because you also released the other dark spirits in the Deep Spirit World. Now they will roam Earth trying to kill anyone they find. They are bent on revenge, but I don't know why, and they are extremely dangerous."
"Oh." I suddenly felt very stupid, being the one who opened the gate in the first place.
Just then, the boat started to rock violently.
"Uh oh..." Kyofu paled. "I think it's Saikuron. He's also known as 'The Cyclone'. I don't think this is gonna end well."
Then, a giant turtle exploded from the surface of the water. It was three times bigger than our boat, and our boat was NOT small.
        "I AM SAIKURON, SPIRIT OF CYCLONES!" Saikuron roared.

"Well. This can't end well."

I'm sorry it's been soooooo long since I had last updated. But I hope you all enjoyed anyway! Thank u for all reading!

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