Chapter 5~Kizu

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~Kyofu's POV~

I smiled. I loved it. I loved Fairy Tail the minute it became a guild. I loved the chaos. I loved everything about it because there wasn't any pressure for it to be a perfect guild. Everybody got along (mostly) and everybody committed their souls to this place.

"It's perfect." I said. I turned to Lucy and Makarov. For some reason Mavis was gone, but I could talk to her later.

"Yeah. This place really is great." Lucy turned to the chaos and grinned. I looked at her mark. Normal members saw just their Fairy Tail mark, but when I looked at someone's mark, I saw their love for Fairy Tail, I saw their experiences. I could look at someone's mark and learn almost everything about them. Not in a creepy way though. And when I looked at a mark, it sparkles. And the brighter the sparkle, the better the Fairy. And even though many people sparkled brightly, there were a few that stood out. Especially Lucy.

"Well, I guess I should introduce myself?" I looked at Makarov. He nodded.

"Tell everyone you're a new member." I nodded. I walked further in, but as I saw the loud group, my inner shyness came out. I ended up at a table in the corner.

~Lucy's POV~

As I sat down with all the girls, I noticed Kyofu sitting in the corner table. I tilted my head. She moved her head away from the crowd, as if she was shy.

"Lucy, who is that?" Levy asked. I turned toward the table of girls.

"Thats a new member, Kyofu." I told them.

"Why is she just sitting int he corner?" Asked Erza. I shrugged.

"She must be shy."

"Well, why don't we go say hi to her?" We got up, when the doors opened.

~Kyofu's POV~

I heard the doors open and I glanced up. And do you know who I saw?

Motherfrucking Kizu.
(The guy who came out of the portal with Kyofu and he calls her Tinkerbell.)

He came in like he owned the place. It serious pissed me off. He was a cocky, no-good, annoying, playboy. He was also my best friend. I mean, MAVIS was my best friend, but Kizu and I had become close friends. We were also rivals. Somehow, he almost always knew what to say to get under my skin. But we were still friends.

But why was he here.

"I assume this is Fairy Tail?" Everyone turned toward him.

"That is correct." Answered Makarov. "And you are?"

"Oh, nobody important. I just came to visit a certain little Tinkerbell, that's all." He snickered. "She's an itty-bitty thing that's-"

"KIZU!" I roared. I ran over and slapped the back of his head.
"You're an idiot!" I got him into a headlock.

"Hey, hey now- ow! Ok, that hurts, ow!" Kizu winced.

"Stupid! Stupid, stupid, stupid!" I growled. Eventually he broke away.

"Jesus! All I wanted to do was talk."

"YOU!" I jabbed my finger at him. "You left us, fully aware that we could have been killed!"

"Well it's not like I could have made a difference!" He put his hands up defensively.

"Stop doing that!"


"Being stupid! Stop being stupid! I swear to god I'm going to kick you in the balls! You're strong! You could have made a difference and you know it! I hate you so much!" I pouted my lip and tears shone in my eyes.

"Ok, ok! I'm sorry! I'll do something to make it up, jeez!"

A creepy smile crept on to my face. "Anything?"

"Uh, y-yeah?" I took out a stamper and looked him in the eye. I grabbed his shirt and stamped him right on his lower back. "Then from this moment foreword, you are a member of Fairy Tail."

Sorry that chapter was kind of short, but Kizu will be important to the plot later on.

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