Chapter 3~Saikuron

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Ok, I HATE the way they made the Wattpad writing system now. It's super hard, and you can't Bold or do Italics as easy as you used to, and now you can't use the tab, so I'mma little annoyed. But, hope you enjoy anyway! Sorry that it's been so long since this story's been updated.

~Lucy's POV~

"This won't end badly at all." I said. The giant turtle let out a beastly roar that made giant waves come from the ocean and ram into our boat. The boat shook and I stumbles back. The wind picked up, and whipped around me violently.

"This is bad!'' Said Kyofu. I fumbled for my keys, but lost my balance and dropped them into the ocean.

"No!!" I cried. The boat shuddered under the constant beating of waves. In the commotion, I didn't notice an extra big wave and as I turned, it came on board and slammed into me. My body spun around in the unruly water, and my vision became dark.

Somebody, please, help me...

~Kyofu's POV~

I was clinging to the rail bar for dear life (even though celestial spirits can't die, hehe) when I saw Lucy fumbling with her keys, and dropped them into the ocean.

"No!" Cried Lucy.

Aquarius is gonna be pissed off as hell, I thought. Just then, a wave came on board and smacked into Lucy. She went hurdling over the edge of the boat and into the ocean.

"Lucy!" I yelled. I ran over and leapt over the edge of the boat.

"Kyofu!" I heard Mavis scream over the wind. The last thing I though before hitting the water was, I have to save Layla's daughter. Or maybe it was, I'm hungry. I can't quite remember.

Don't judge me. I hadn't eaten in forever.

As I swam around in the murky water, my eyes scanned for Lucy. My normally shimmering, multicolored wings turned a deep blue color, and I swam around, searching for the blonde Celestial Mage. As a fairy, I could change modes to my surroundings. Like in fire fairy mode, where I could withstand temperatures up to 3000 degrees Fahrenheit. In water fairy mode, I could withstand deep sea pressures, and I could hold my breath for up to three and a half hours. Lucy only had about one and a half minutes.

Lucy... please be alright. If you can hear me... I thought, and thought of Lucy and sent out my thought.

Kyofu... help. I heard Lucy! I blasted toward her with a strong flap of my wings, and saw her slowly sinking in the water. I grabbed her hand sand shot toward the surface. As we finally hit air, Lucy coughed and let in multiple gasps of air.

"M-my keys!" She cried. Oops...
I needed to get Lucy on board first, though. Then, I felt something close around us and pull us up. I looked up to see the first Master pulling us up with a giant hand.

"First Master!" Lucy cried happily.

"Old timer!" I cried... happily?

He grunted. "Don't call me that, runt."
I pouted. "I'm not a runt! I'm just short."

The first Master pulled us on board. And Lucy sat down, still coughing up water. I ran to the edge again, and jumped over to retrieve Lucy's keys. I hit the water and swam down further and further, until I saw the ground. It wasn't that far, we weren't that far out into the ocean. (Look at the picture.)

I swam around a bit, before I realized that Lucy and put MY key in the ring, and that I could get there through the Celestial Spirit World. Then I face palmed for being an idiot. I quickly transported to my key, and snatched up the ring of keys. But the waves around me were incredibly violent. I looked back and saw why.

I was right underneath the giant turtle, Saikuron. The strong waves quickly overpowered me and I went spinning off. But I finally broke out into the surface and yelled gleefully, "I got the keys!". Then I looked up and saw a giant open turtles mouth heading straight for me.

"Oh no..." It closed around me and swallowed me and a bunch of water, I went down a slimy throat, clawing and screaming.

I was being eaten alive.

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