Chapter 4~Welcome to Fairy Tail!

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I screamed as I slid down Saikuron's throat. I fell until I stopped myself by putting both legs out. But I was slowly slipping, so I needed to think of something fast. I slid Lucy's keys on my arm like a bracelet.

Just then, water poured down from above, and I slipped and fell. Eventually I fell on something that was solid. Because it was dark (duh, she's in a turtles stomach) I opened my wings. They glowed softly and I took in my surroundings. By luck, I landed on a piece of driftwood that was probably from a previously eaten ship. Around me was a sea of the beasts stomach acid. I gritted my teeth. This was gross. And I don't lose my temper very often, but when I do it's not pretty.

"I am NOT getting digested by a STUPID SEA TURTLE!!" I took a deep breath. "Horn of the Fairy Dragon!"

(Yes I'm making up moves. If you have a problem then I'm very sorry, but this might not be the right fan fiction for you.)

I put my hands together in front of me and my arms were encased in pink, horn-shaped magic. I jumped toward the wall of the turtles stomach. The horn cut straight through and I saw
a bright flash of light and the next thing I knew I was falling through the they sky, tumbling toward the ocean.

I quickly opened my wing and flew toward the boat. I hear Saikuron roar in agony behind me, and I was well aware why. I had just cut through his stomach, after all. I didn't dare look back, I already had terrible images burned into my mind from the time I spent locked up with creatures like those, I didn't need any more. I landed on the boats deck. Now that Saikuron was gone underneath the sea, the storm was gone. Lucy ran to me.

"Kyofu! I'm so glad you're ok!" She cried. I grinned.

"And you'll be really happy to see that I got your keys." I twirled them on the end of my finger.

"My keys! Thank god!" Lucy grabbed them and hugged the to her (large) chest. Master Makarov and Mavis came over to U.S. As the boat continued to sail off toward Magnolia, and most importantly, toward Fairy Tail.

~The Same Day Later~

    Once we arrived in Magnolia, I jumped of the boat in glee.

"I can't wait to see how much Fairy Tail has grown! I want to meet everyone, and hear all about your adventures!" I cried gleefully.

"Well that may take a while, but I'm sure everyone will be very glad to meet you! You'll make a great Fairy Tail member." Lucy said cheerful. I giggled.

"I already am!" I showed her my Fairy Tail mark that was right below my neck, but still above my cleavage. It was currently yellow. For some reason my mark would change color based on mood. Something to do with the high concentrations of magic had affected my mark. Now it was like a mood ring.

Once I had gotten so mad at Kizu my mark burned through my clothes. So I had an extra shirt with a hole in the shape of a Fairy Tail mark.

"What? When did you get that?" Lucy asked. I grinned.

"I got this mark before you were born!" I told her. "But when I was trapped in the Deep Spirit World, I was transformed into a Celestial Spirit. So now I don't age. I guess." I put my hands on my hips. "So where the guild?"

Lucy and the two Master led to the guild hall. We walked in and were met with a red-haired boy fighting with what appeared to be a raven-haired stripper boy. There was also a red-haired girl eating strawberry cake, and a blue-haired girl stakerishly watching the stripper, and another blue-haired girl reading. There was also another blue haired girl who looked near my age (13). There were many more people of course.

Suddenly, due to a chain of events I'm to lazy to re-tell, the red girls cake got smushed and she went into a very scary rage. There was running, screaming, smashing, pummeling, and chaos. Lucy chucked and said a little nervously:

"Well Kyofu, Welcome to Fairy Tail."

Hope you enjoyed that chapter! Please vote and/or comment, because it makes me feel better about myself. Thank you for reading!

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