Chapter 6~ Death Snake

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After Kizu and I met all the Fairy Tail members, I dragged him outside, and faced him.

"Kizu, it's serious."

He snorted. "Ya think?"

"Even more serious than you thought. Saikuron attacked us. Saikuron. Kizu, Saikuron was like, your best friend. He would never try to kill me or you. I don't know whats happening, but the only way to find out is to go back into the portal, and I-" My voice cracked. "I don't want to go back in there Kizu. Its dark. Its scary. Its like drowning, but you can see everyone around you breathing. Its like being dragged down, clawing and trying to get back up, even when you know its pointless. When Im in there..." I burst into tears. "I feel tired, but no amount of sleep could cure it, because i tired of existing there. Kizu, when I was in there... I wanted to die."

"I know..." He hugged me. "I know..."

"It's all my fault. It's all my fault... now there are dark spirits wandering all through Fiore. I wanted to save everyone, but now they're all in danger. I can see how much Fairy Tail has grown. I don't want that to stop. I don't want what I did to hurt them"

"Idiot!" Snapped Kizu. He shoved me away, to my shock. "Everything you did was to save the people you cared about! Things shouldn't change now. You're still Kyofu. So stop acting like a bloody, god damned pansy, and get your shit together!"

I sniffled. "You suck at inspirational speeches, Kizu. But you're right. Things shouldn't change. I'll do everything in my power to protect Fiore!''

Kizu grinned. "Now do that smile."


"You know what I mean. The cute smile with the big sparkly eyes."

"Ugh. Fine." I beamed, my eyes looking like the glitter fairy took a shit and used it to replace my actual eyes.

"Good girl." He tried to pat my head, but I slapped his hand away.

"Don't treat me like an animal."

"Fair enough. So. where are we staying?"


"Where are we staying?"


"Oh shit. We have nowhere to stay, right?"

"S-shut up! I'll come up with something!" I cried. I thought hard. No way we could afford the rooms at the guild. And there was probably nothing in Magnolia we could afford. And we didn't currently have any money for an inn. That, honestly, left me with one option. Well, an option other than sleeping on the street.

"We could..." I cringed. "Go to the Celestial Spirit World."

Kizu grinned. "Sweet! I've always wanted to go there!"

"Yeah. I'm just worried on how the Celestial Spirits will react. They don't exactly like us."

"True." Kizu said. "But hopefully they'll be in a good mood."

"Aquarius is never in a good mood. We're doomed." I muttered.

"Anyway, lets say goodbye to the Fairy Tail people first." He said. He went in and this is what I heard: "Hey you people whom's names I havent learned yet, Kyofu and I are gonna go do some kinky shit! See ya tomorow!"

"KIZU!" I chased him around the guild. ''I AM GOING TO MURDER YOU!!"

"Ha, worth it!" He laughed.


"Why do you always have to make a fool of me?" I groaned. He grinned.

"I loved the looks on their faces. And I have no regrets."

"Even when Erza tried to kill you, and told you if you tried anything with me you would rot in a world similar to hell, but much more painful?"


"Thats what I thought."

"A-ANYWAY! We should get going to the Celestial Spirit World. I hear the beds there are very comfor-"


Kizu and I froze. A scream echoed through the streets. But it wasnt the scream that scared us. It was the noise that came after.

Sch.... sch.... sch.... sch....

"Um, thats sounds an awful lot like..."

"Yeah. I know."

"And it sounded kind close."

"Y-yeah. I know."

Sch.. sch.. sch.. sch.. sch.. sch..

It was close. Too close.

"K-K-Kizu." I stuttered. We both stayed very still.


"" By now we weren't trying to stand still. We were literaly frozen in fear, unable to move.


"No..." I whispered.

-A Year Ago-

"There exists a snake made entirely ot of other's fear. It consumes it."

-Present Time-

It lunged.

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