Chapter 8~ Vivian

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Please don't kill me. I know how inaccurate this story might be according to the original plot, but please try to bear with it. Thank you. Anyway, please enjoy, and if you want to, vote and/or comment! It helps me out, and gives me confidence to keep writing!

I hoped that I might have been able to get a good nights sleep, but not only did I have a nightmare, I got summoned by Lucy shortly after. I was shaky from my dream, but did my best to try and be positive.

"Hello Lucy! How may I help you?" I fake-smiled, something I was quite good at. I did want to make a good impression on team Natsu.

Lucy had a horrified face. "Well... Natsu, Gray, Erza and I all went out on a mission. It seemed easy enough."

"Did you destroy another town?" As I looked at her face, I knew that wasn't what had happened.

"Well, no. We didn't. We finished the mission, but then..." Lucy trailed off. I tilted my head.


"She showed up." Lucy pointed behind her, and I paled. The town was almost completely demolished, and there were townsfolk lying around, most dead- their bodies torn apart as if by a group of angry birds.  Natsu, Erza, and Gray were all trying to fight a woman with purple, moth-like wings, and large boobs.


"That bitch!" I hissed. I sprouted my wings, which were now a blood red, affected by my anger. In the Dark Spirit World, I disliked many spirits. Hebi, the snake, was the scariest. Of all creatures, Vivian was the one I hated the most. I wished there was a fate worse than death, because Hell was too good for her. She had NO fucking mercy.

It didn't matter: adult, teen, child, baby, male, female, she would kill it no matter what. And she enjoyed it. She would give her victims an innocent smile and then rip them apart like tissue paper. Their screams were like music to her. At first it made my stomach drop, and my heart felt like it was being twisted. But I got used to their screams.

And I hated it. I hated that she made me get used to hearing cryings of not only adults, but screams of young children and infants crys and wails of pain.

She was going back in the Hellhole. No matter what.

I shot up to her like a rocket, blowing away the Fairy Tail members. "Vivian." I snarled. She smiled.

"Kyofu! What a nice surprise! I haven't seen you in ages! So, what do you think of my nails? I just got them done." She fanned out her fingers. They were painted in blood, blood of her victims. I growled.

"I don't know who you think you are, but I swear-"

"So!" She cut me off. "Did you know Waru is almost out?"

My heart dropped like a stone. Waru? Vivian gave all the Dark Spirits ridiculous nicknames. But Waru... I knew who that was.

But his real name was too long, so he's nicknamed Waru. And honestly, just hearing his name is enough to make any Dark Spirit shit bricks. He is beyond terrifying. He could rival the Celestial Spirit King.

So my first reaction when I heard that he was almost out of the portal? Oh heeeeell no. I don't wanna die, thank you very very much.

Vivian smirked when she saw my reaction. "Heh, surprised? Yeah, hes gonna  come out soon and devour all your pathetic souls."

"He'll kill you just like all of us." I said, my voice shaking. Vivian grinned.

"No he won't. He knows I'm to important to die. I'm to special. And hey, maybe after I'm done, I may keep you as a pet. I'm mean, he's a king, and he's going to make me his queen."

And that's when it hit me. She was't trying to be bitchy. (Weeeeeeeeell.... actually...) She was stupid. The act that she though Waru cared about her has ridiculous, but I remembered her back then. She just wanted approval from everyone. And once she got that approval she never let it go, even now.

She turned around sneering. "Just accept your fate Kyofu. Waru is gonna-"

"KYOFU!" I turned and saw Lucy, Erza, Natsu, Gray, and.... Kizu?

"KYOFU!" He yelled again. I gave him a look like, WTF you want bruh?

Then the next thing I knew, I had been smacked by Vivan's dark wing attack, and I hurdled to the ground. So much for a good first impression on Team Natsu for my battling skills.

I hit the asphalt face first.

"Kyofu!" Team Natsu + Kizu came running. "Are you ok?!"

I looked up with a very good poker face. "Kizu I'm going to murder you while you sleep."

"What did I do?!"

"WHY WERE YOU CALLING MY NAME?! I WAS KINDA BUSY! " I looked to the sky, only to find that Vivian was gone. Then she re-appeared next to Lucy, and grabbed her arm.

"H-hey!" Lucy shouted. Vivian started to pull he away, into the sky.

"Lucy!" Erza requiped into her Heavens Wheel Armor. Natsu took a breath to do a Roar of the Fire Dragon, and Gray prepared to do Ice Make Magic. And before I could scream no at them, they attacked. Kizu's eyes widened in fear.

Vivian had won.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2015 ⏰

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