What are you thinking?

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What are you thinking?

I didn't want to think,
but since you're asking...

We walk thinking we know the way,

And the years become
master in every step we take.

What are you thinking?
I didn't want to think,
but since you're asking...
You leave footprints,
though they leave scars.

Scars are good because scars,

were wounds between open
that already healed, and now
they don't hurt anymore...

What are you thinking?
I didn't want
to think,

But since you're asking...

Love whispers, rather murmurs
a name almost inaudible

And you ask if love, 
play hide and seek?

Loneliness stole your chair at the table of my afternoons

Doubts, sometimes they visit me...

They offer their company;
almost like a lullaby.

But then I remember the scars

and I understand the time of a new time.

It's time to embrace dreams

and read verses of hope.

(Spanish Version)
¿Qué estás pensando?
Yo no quería pensar,
pero ya que preguntas...
Caminamos pensando que conocemos el camino
Los años se vuelven maestro en cada paso que damos.
Dejas huellas, aunque te dejaron cicatrices.
Son buenas las cicatrices,
fueron heridas entre abiertas que ya sanaron, ya no duelen ...
¿Qué estás pensando?
Yo no quería pensar,
pero ya que preguntas...
El amor susurra, mas bien murmura un nombre casi inaudible
Y preguntas amor, ¿acaso juegas a esconder?
La soledad te robo la silla en la mesa de mis tardes
Dudas, a veces me visitan...
ofrecen su compañía; casi como un arrullo.
Pero luego recuerdo las cicatrices
y entiendo el tiempo de un nuevo tiempo.
Es la hora de abrazar los sueños
y leer versos de esperanza.

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