Love was awakened

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Love was awakened,
the wounds still open
seek to heal yesterday,
with the caresses of your voice.
Your perfect lips,
I want to be shipwrecked of your kisses,
to lose myself in your body,
to find myself between your fingers.
Man of the sea, deep, exquisite delight.
Man of sunshine, you illuminate everything around you
you melt my cold soul,
by the pain of so much disappointment.
You become a reason
for which any metamorphosis is worth.
I still have so much to fly...
I would like to open my wings to you,
to travel the sky by your side,
my darling, my beloved
Author María D. Ureña

(Spanish Version)
Se desperto el amor,
las heridas aun entre abiertas
buscan cicatrizar el ayer,
con las caricias de tu voz.
Tus labios son perfectos,
quiero ser naufrago de tus besos,
perderme en tu cuerpo,
encontrarme entre tus dedos.
Hombre de mar, profundo,
exquisito deleite
Hombre de sol,
iluminas todo a tu alrededor
Derrites mi alma fria,
por el dolor de tanta desepcion.
Te transformas en una razon
por la que vale cualquier metamorfosis.
Aun me falta tanto por volar...
Quisiera abrir mis alas a ti,
recorrer el cielo a tu lado,
mi niño bello, mi amado.
Autora María D. Ureña

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