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As usual, everyone has a conclusion about my reality.
They criticize loneliness, as if they understand its form, a description that only I know, it has been with me for several moons.
They mock, and, obviously, they give their opinion if I even murmur about happiness or flirting with at least the idea of stumbling upon love, or perhaps losing myself. It is usual for me to stumble or get lost, even with GPS.
I will philosophize with the night and talk with silence, that love is not sought, it comes without waiting for it.
That love is not wanting to understand, it's accepting differences.
Love is not only 4 letters, it's a whole word reflected in you.
That's why night, moon and your companions of this galaxy know that,
I am love and I will share
my love; with the one
who takes me by the hand
and lets me get lost in his eyes;
to find myself in his mouth,
to cuddle in his hand;
while he tells me
I've already arrived to your nest
to share my love with you;
& to receive your love, my love.

(Spanish Version)
Cómo es usual, todos tienen una conclusión sobre mi realidad.
Critican la soledad,
como si entendieran su forma,
una descripción que únicamente
yo conozco, lleva varias lunas acompañándome.

Se burlan,  critican y obvio,
opinan si llego a murmurar
sobre la felicidad o el coqueteo
con al menos la idea de tropezarme
con el amor, o quizás perderme.
Es usual que me tropiece
o me pierda, aun con GPS.

Voy a filosofar con la noche
y hablaré con el silencio,
que el amor no se busca,
llega sin esperarlo.

Que el amor no es querer entender,
es aceptar las diferencias.

El amor no son solo 4 letras,
es toda una palabra reflejada en ti.

Por eso noche, luna y sus acompañantes de esta galaxia saben que, 
soy amor y compartire
mi amor;
con el que me tome de la mano
y me deje perderme en sus ojos; encontrarme en su boca,
acurrucarme  en su mano;
mientras me dice ya llegue a tu nido
a compartirte mi amor;
Y a recibir tu amor, mi amor.

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