Love and Leisure

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Art by🎨 ??? but posted by @ashketch123 on Pinterest

My body felt entangled in familiar warmth, like I had sunk into the depths of the bed, and it was hugging me in place. I slowly stretched my arms as my brain gained consciousness. Feeling Hobie's hair within my fingers before I let my arm go limp again. My legs, however, were heavy. Moving them made my body ache and I winced quietly as I figured that out the hardway. I sigh to myself in defeat, not even attempting to move again, but I felt the bed keep moving anyway. I couldn't even tell how I was laying, no clue where my limbs were unless I moved them first.

Soon feeling lips gently press against my cheek. "Are ya' awake, luv?" I hear his soft british voice that I found such comfort in. "Mhm.." I groan, refusing to open my eyes or mouth.

He continued planting sweet kisses all along my entire face, his arms then gently slide away from me and I groan in disappointment. "M' gonna whip up breakfast, I'll be back n' a mo'" he ran a hand through my curls before trailing out the room. I sigh, honestly pretty content.

I shift to lay on my stomach, crossing my arms and resting my head on them. A smile that I hadn't even realized made way on my face, had widened as I though about last night. I bury my face in my arms, silently fan-girling to myself.

I could soon smell the delicious aroma of food slide into the room. I only let myself fall back to sleep as I waited.

A few minutes later I feel a gentle hand rub my bare back. Large, calloused and warm, as he rubbed my back gently to wake. Though I never fell asleep, only smiling to myself in silence the entire time. My body was exhausted but my mine was excited, I wanted to run around and do flips of joy.

I turn slightly, finally opening my eyes lazily to meet his warm smile. Which made us both chuckle lightly as we looked at each other. "God i really put some marks on ya'" he laughed a bit harder as he set the plate on the bed next to me. "Wait huh?" I immediately try to sit up, but wince in pain and laid myself down again. "Oh yeah, quite proud of ma' self, honestly." He sounds amused, sliding his finger down my neck. "Can't wait to see the fron' of ya'" he laughed and I only covered my face. "Broo, my aunt is gonna kill me" I groaned, but i couldn't wipe the smile off my face. I'd let him doing again and again, I'm pretty certain he knows it.

For two days I stayed at Hobie's. I convinced my aunt that I went to a friend's. And I remained right up underneath him the entire time, watching movies, eating, swinging around, or just absolute shenanigans. It was amazing, it was like I was dating my best friend.


I glance up to Hobie, who was laid back against the couch, legs wide open and an arm draped behind the couch. I twiddle with my fingers and slowly move over to sit next to him, while he mindlessly flipped through the channels. "Ya' said you wanted to visit the park, yeah? Les' go today." He spoke as he landed on the news.

His words snap me out my thoughts and I raise a brow when I look at him. "Wha-not dressed like this I'm not." I gesture to myself, wearing only underwear and one of Hobie's shirts that fit me like a loose dress. He smiled at me, amused. "Why not?" I simply rolled my eyes and he shifted his body to face me. "Jus' need long boots nd' a spiked collar." He looked me up and down with a smirk.

"Yeah yeah" I laugh. "Plus it's raining." I gesture to the tv that displayed the forecast. He glanced to it, shrugged his shoulder and threw out a dismissive hand. "Jus' propaganda." He mentioned and I raised my brow again, stifling a laugh. Suddenly a soft thunder rumbled the sky and we look at each other. He then peeked through his blinds, which showed that it was obviously raining and he looked back to me. " 'lright it's rainin." He said and I bursted out laughing. "Dude what did I say." I laughed and he rolled his eyes with a widening smile. "Still propaganda." He shrugged and scooted closer to me on the couch, draping his arm around my shoulder, so I leaned into him.

"Hey, I gotta question." I mumbled and he looked to me. "Mhm?" I hesitate for a second. "What are.." I retract that question before I could finish it. "..Can.. we date?" I mumble a bit louder, though I remain looking away from him. I could hear him leans closer, but there was silence for a few seconds. "..and' that girl?" He finally asked and I turn to him. "Gayatri? Yeah I sorta.. already ended things with her." I rub my neck and his eyes widen a bit. "Yeah? I ought to have known sooner!" He exclaimed with a smile and I just give him a chuckle. "Dude that's why I came here in the first place!"

Our laughs finally settle and he gently grabbed my face and plants a kiss my forehead. "Well then ya' all mine." He pulled me into him for a hug and I could feel my heart both speed and slow down at the same time. "L-like. Like we're.."

"Like you're ma' boyfriend. Pavitr." He smiled and I instantly climb atop his lap and pull him into a tight hug. "Yes!! We're dating!! No way! I love you so much!!" I cheer in pure excitement and his arms gently wraps around my waist to hug back.

"I love you too, darlin'. Nd' with that way you're on me righ' now, I could show you how much I lo-"

I immediately pull back and cover his mouth with my hand, face completely flushed. "Hey nuh-uh my body still hurts. You showed me already." I tell him and he chuckled beneath my hand, slowly moving his hand to mind and hold it as he gave it a small kiss. "Fair 'nough. I'll show you once day soon." He then moved to kiss my lips, which I allow myself to melt into. "That's better." I nodded with a smile.

I soon had to leave to make sure my own earth was safe. Doing my best to hide the fading hickeys while they disappeared. Things went back to normal, or better than normal with a slight unsavory change. Like Gayatri still wanting time away from me, which I whole heartedly understood, I just wish I could help her feel better, and be there for my friend. But I don't mind waiting.

Me and Hobie eventually told Miles and Gwen we were dating, to only Miles' surprise. But he was so excited for us, that he suggested, what was basically, a double date anywhere, everywhere, and all the time.

It was more than I could ask for, every time I woke up in Hobie's arm, or laying on top of him. It made my heart gush. Although we couldn't constantly stay in each others presence forever, every moment I had with him was more than enough. Whether it was getting up to absolute shenanigans or painting his nails black while after attempting to teach me the guitar again. It was all I'd ever need.

One day I wake in my own bed, stretching and yawning. With the smell of breakfast reaching my nose, I smile to myself and hungrily walk out my room to the kitchen. "Maya auntie?" I yawn.

I hear her laughing lightly, joined by a familiar deep voice. Once inside the kitchen I see Hobie helping her finish breakfast. His body towering her as he plated the food while they laughed. A warm smile immediately pulled at my face.

Hobie notices me first and gives me the same smile, my aunt then turns around next. "Ah, morning Pavi. Come sit. Just finished breakfast." She comes up to me and give me a kiss on the cheek, then led me to the table.

Hobie places each of our plates in front of us, then moved behind my chair and give me a kiss on my other cheek. "Mornin' luv." "Morning Hobie." I smiled brightly as he kissed me and then moved to sit next to me.

Once sat, my aunt holds out her hands, so the 3 of us bow our heads, hand in hand as she prays over the food. I peak a Hobie, who's eyes were closed with a soft smile on his lips. I mimic the smile and close my eyes once more.

I could get used to this.


🌸Hope you enjoyed!! That might be the end of this fanfic.

If you like my work, please check my Chaipunk oneshot book Called: Lovely CHAIPUNK Oneshots (Hobie x Pavitr) And suggestions are greatly appreciated!🌸

Caught by a web (Pavitr x Hobie) (Chaipunk)Where stories live. Discover now