Late night run

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Ethan was running through the streets of New York. His heart hammering in his chest, his lungs were burning, but he couldn't stop running.

People stared at him as he ran past them, looking at him like he's crazy but he could care less about what people thought about him right now.

He couldn't stop thinking about what his father said , what he wanted him to do.

He couldn't do it. He couldn't kill his friends. He couldn't kill Chad. As a matter of fact, he didn't want to kill anyone.

He just couldn't do it, but his father would force him to do it. Wayne never cared for Ethan. It was pretty obvious,

Ethan liked to run to clear his mind or to think things through. He knows running at night in New York is a bad idea, but what else was he supposed to do?

He couldn't extacly run in the morning , he had classes and everyone would questioned about him running, plus Chad would be totally against the idea of Ethan running at night, so he definitely didn't tell anybody because it wasn't that he didn't trust them, it just that his friends couldn't extacly keep a secret , maybe Sam but everyone else sucks at keeping secrets.

Ethan panted, stopping in front of the college dorms. He took deep breaths, "Hey, you okay?" Startled, Ethan jumped back a bit, chuckling a bit when he saw a classmate of his , Timothy, or as he goes by Tim

"Y-yeah, just um.. trying to catch my breath," Ethan said, "you went for a run?" Tim guessed, and Ethan nodded ,

"At night. That's dangerous, Ethan. There's some really bad people out there," Tim told him,

"Don't I know about it," Ethan thought to himself , "i-i know,I just needed to clear my head," Ethan said, with a small smile

"Uh, what are you doing out so late?" Ethan asked, "Oh, just going for a walk," Tim replied, his eyes trailing down Ethans body ,

"Um, I'm just gonna head back to my dorm room, I'll uh see you tomorrow," Ethan said, jogging up the stairs passing Tim, but Tim grabbed his arm, stopping him

Ethan turns back, looking at Tim, " Wait! I was wondering if you would like to hang out? I mean, you don't have to go straight away to your dorm room," he said

Ethan gave him a polite smile, "I'm pretty tired, all the running made me exhausted,"

Tim grip on his arm tighten, "we could just sit and chat, " he suggested

"I'm sorry , Tim. I really need to go back to my dorm, shower, and get some sleep," Ethan said,

"Maybe tomorrow?" He suggested, gently taking Tim's hand off his arm,

"Night time," Ethan said before walking up the rest of the stairs , "Wait! can't just walk away Ethan, that's rude," Tim told him, catching up to him and standing in front of him, blocking his way

"Tim...."Ethan trailed off, and Tim sighs, "Listen, Ethan , i..the real reason why I was walking tonight was because I was thinking about how to tell you this, and I'm just going to come out and say it," Tim told him, and Ethan stared at him with confusion

"I like you, Ethan, more than you'll ever know, " Tim said, his eyes darting to Ethan's lips, and before Ethan could even react, Tim lips were on his, kissing him

Ethan's eyes went wide before he pushed Tim away, "i-I'm sorry I can't ," Ethan said

"Why not? " Tim questioned, coming closer and grabbing his hips ,

"Because i-" Ethan was cut off, "because he's with me, so back the fuck up," both Ethan and Tim looked at Chad, who was glaring at Tim,

Tim backed up from Ethan, chad gently grabbed Ethan's arm, pulling him behind him

"I suggest you go away," Chad said, "Fine, Ethan can I talk you tomorrow?" Tim asked,

"No, you don't get to talk to him or even look at him. " Chad told him, pushing Tim back,

"Chad, come on, leave him alone, I'm sorry, Tim, I don't like you like that, I'm sorry," Ethan said, "come on Chad," Ethan pulled Chad away,

Chad scoffs, "Who the hell does he think he is? Touching you like that, what an asshole,"

"Did he do anything else?" Chad asked, and Ethan sighed, "he just kissed me, but that's it,"

"He kissed you!? Okay, I'm gonna kill that fucker!" Chad said, turning around to go and find Tim but Ethan stopped him

"Don't," Chad looks at him and sighs before he cupped Ethan's face in his hands, leaning and placing his lips on top of Ethan's

He pulled back a minute later, "Why are you out here so late? Things could've ended worse,"  Chad told him,

"I just needed to clear my head, " Ethan mumbled, "you could've told me E, I would've come with you, " Chad told him,

"I would totally keep the creeps away from you, " Chad added, and Ethan let out a small chuckle,

"Do you run every night? "Chad asked, and Ethan shrugged ,"Most nights," he said

Chad nodded ,"okay, then you'll tell me when you decide to go for another run, okay? I'll come with you, and we'll run together," Chad told him

"I love you, E, and I don't want anything to happen to you," Chad added,

"I love you to Chad, and I promise I'll tell you when I decide to go for another run," Ethan told him , and Ethan decided he was going to protect his friends and Chad, even if that means killing his family.
Word count - 940

Hope you enjoy!

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