"why did you hurt him?"

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Ethan was home alone. His dad was at work and wouldn't be home until later. Quinn was at a friend's house and Richie god knows where but he wasn't home.

He was currently texting Chad while getting to watch a movie. Everything was going well until the house phone rang.

Wayne had insisted on getting a house phone before his mom died. They rarely used it. Ethan was actually surprised that the phone rang.

He walked over and picked it up, "hello?"


"Who is this?" Ethan questioned

"I don't know."

"You don't know?" Ethan never heard this voice before. He wondered what they wanted.


"Can I help you with something?"

"I want to talk. Can we just talk?" Ethan knew better than this. His father always told him to never talk to strangers but the person sounded so lonely and he just couldn't say no.

"Uh, sure. What do you want to talk about?"

"What's your favorite scary movie?"

"Um..I don't really have a favorite scary movie. I mean,I don't really watch scary movies. Sorry, what's yours?"

"I like the movie stab. You ever watched that one, Ethan?" Ethan's heart stilled

"How...how do you know my name?"

"Oh, Ethan, didn't your dad teach you not to talk to strangers but I guess you were always so stupid. Ethan Bailey, the nice sweet boy that everyone loves." The voice was taunting

"W- what do you want?" Ethan asked

"Ha, ha. Poor naive little Ethan. I want to see what your insides look like!" Ethan hung up and shakily grabbed his phone dialing his dad's number.

"Come on, come on, pick up, dad." Ethan flinched as the phone rang again.

"Ethan, what's up?" Wayne's voice came from his phone

"D- dad..I um..I just got this really weird phone call.." Ethan cut himself as a startled scream left him as a chair was thrown against the sliding doors

"Ethan!? Ethan, what's going on!?" Ethan heard his dad's worried voice from the phone.

Ethan's eyes went wide as he saw a cloth mask figure rushing towards him. Ethan dodged the attacker before running away from them.

"Ethan! Answer me!" Ethan let out a yell as he felt an intense burning pain in his right leg.

"Ethan!" Tears slid down ethan's face as he tried to crawl away but the attacker pulled the knife out and Ethan tried to kick them back with his good leg but the attacker grabbed his leg and broke his ankle.

He let out a painful scream before the attacker got on top of him and raised the knife. Ethan tried to block it but the knife went through his hand.

"Ahh!" Ethan let out a sob before the knife was pulled out and he was stabbed again in his shoulder.

Ethan couldn't do much as the fight seemed to have leaved him as his attacker kept stabbing him. Blood began to pool in his mouth and the attacker seemed to stopped stabbing him.

His attacker removed their mask, smirking down at him and Ethan couldn't believe it.

"Ethan!?" Richies voice came from outside and his attacker cursed, standing up before running off

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