"it's just a stupid assignment!"

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Ethan has been studying for three weeks, none-stop. He has been overworking himself, and Chad noticed. He wanted Ethan to stop and get some rest, but Ethan was stubborn about it.

"E, please. Just take a small break, okay?" Chad said, trying to pull his boyfriend away from the books.

"Chad, I can't, okay? I need to study and pass this assignment." Ethan agrued, shrugging off Chad's hand off of him.

Chad sighed ,"At least eat something." He said ,"I can't right now." Ethan replied

"Ethan, it's just a stupid assignment! Stop studying!" Chad had enough. If Ethan was putting his studies first before his health, then Chad wasn't gonna stand by and do nothing.

"It's not just an assignment, Chad! You just don't get it. Just leave me alone." Ethan said, grabbing his books and rushing into his room, slamming the door shut.

"Ethan!" Chad tried to get into ethan's room, but Ethan had locked the door. "Leave me alone, Chad!"

Chad closed his eyes, leaning his head against the door , "E, please.. I'm just worried about you."

"Can..can you just open the door, please? Let's just talk, okay?" Chad asked. He only waited a couple of seconds before hearing the click of the door being unlocked.

Chad walked in and saw Ethan sitting on his bed with a book in his lap. "E, why do you care so much?" He sat in front of Ethan.

Ethan sighed, "i..I just I want to impress my dad, okay?" Ethan confessed , lifting his head to look at chad.

"My dad...he...he cares more about my older brother than me or Quinn. My dad..he gets proud of me whenever I get a good grade or an award. I just..I just want to make my dad proud of me." Ethan told him

"E, I'm sorry that your dad treats you that way, but I do care about you more than you'll ever know. I know that your studies are important to you but your health? That's important to me, E." Chad told him, reaching out and grabbing his hand.

"You haven't slept in hours, and you haven't eaten yet." Chad added, "Can you at least take a break? Eat and sleep?" He asked

Ethan bit his lip, "I can eat, but I don't know if I could sleep." Chad sighed, giving him a small smile ,"that's okay."
- -
Ethan ate a little before he went back to studying. Chad kept an eye on him while watching TV, but he wasn't really paying attention to the tv.

Hours passed, and it was midnight. Chad was tired, but he couldn't sleep if Ethan wasn't sleeping.

"E?" He softly called out, standing up from the couch, and walked towards Ethan, who was studying at the dining table.

"E?" Ethan was sleeping with his head on his arms, his lips slightly parted. Chad smiled before he took out his phone, taking a quick picture of Ethan before he put his phone down.

He gently picked up Ethan before carrying him to his room. He gently put Ethan down on the bed before he laid down next to him, pulling the covers over the both of them.

He pulled Ethan into his embrace, hugging him tightly. He was glad to see that Ethan was getting some sleep.

Chad slowly closed his eyes , "I love you, E." He mumbled before he fell asleep.
Word count - 572

Hope you enjoy!

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