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"Where am I and, I can't stress this enough, who the hell are you?" Jamie said, causing her to look up from her phone. Had it been up to her she also wouldn't be the one who had to explain it to him. However, her mother had made a lot of good points about why it should be her. Including the fact that she was technically outranked and it was an order. The plan in general was pretty faulty at best but it was still probably the best one they had.

"You aren't going to believe any of this."

"Seeing as how I have nowhere to run because somehow I've ended up in a padded room with a very attractive yet somewhat scary woman, try me." He said pushing his hair back and blinking a few times. No doubt the sedative was still coursing through him and he was trying to snap himself out of it.

"Do you know anything about multiverse theory?"

"And that has to do with what?"

"Do you or not?"

"Is there going to be a test? I don't believe I'd give the most coherent answer right now." He groaned and laid back down, closing his eyes and curling up. She set her phone to the side and looked at him. As bad as she already felt about this it was going to get a lot worse for him. Her as well but he was about to enter a type of hell she was sure he didn't know existed. He also wouldn't be able to fathom it until she took him there.

"Let's just say that in theory, if a universe has been thought of or created in some capacity it also exists in reality. Then, hypothetically there was a technology invented that could open up gateways to these universes and someone did that to go exploring for alternative methods of warfare." She replied.

"And that has fuck all to do with why I'm in this room because?"

"You're Vecna."

"I'm the actor who played Vecna, yeah." He muttered, "I am not actually Vecna."

"You're the closest we've got."

"To and for what?"

She sighed and grabbed her phone then pulled up video footage that had been taken by their own people. What he didn't know was that he was in an underground base. Something close to the military but nothing as he would know it. The American people didn't even know about it. This was an operation that was beyond the scope of the puppet government that kept everyone complacent. A hidden sect that was doing experiments and research that absolutely no one should have ever known lest it cause a nation or even worldwide panic to occur. She had seen and done things on various missions that would drive ordinary people mad as they tried to comprehend that certain creatures and technologies existed outside of horror and science fiction.

"Here." She turned the phone towards him, "Any of this look familiar?" He opened his eyes and kind of looked in her direction. His attention focused more as he started to realize what it was she was showing him. He sat up and grabbed the phone from her, pulling it in close.

"Where did you get this?"

"It was taken by some of our soldiers, the initial scout team."

"Bullshit," He laughed, "I don't know who put you up to this, was it Joseph? Some sort of PR stunt for the show? The fucking Duffer Brothers?"

"I can't say I know the Joseph you're referring to, this isn't a PR stunt, and I only know it's not the Duffer Brothers because I learned about an hour ago who they were at a briefing. Also this show, which I know you think this is but it's not. It's the real thing."

"The real thing? Darling, what are you on and where can I get some of it?" He laughed again then turned the phone vertically looking like he was about to use it to try to call for help. She didn't stop him because he wasn't going to get a signal down there and there was no way for him to access the wifi without a password. "Get me out of here, I'm not finding this funny."

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