Tapping Out

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She wasn't entirely sure what was worse, being restrained or being naked. Mostly because it was a bit cold but the tentacles keeping her in place were warm, clearly alive, and not vines. Not like she'd once thought them to be. One of the stronger ones, which was wrapped around her leg, was snaking its way up and it seemed to be drawn to the fact that she was aroused. Something she hated herself for but she kind of wanted it inside of her and that was all she could think about which was probably not helping because even if she could have stopped it at that point she didn't think she would have. This led her to believe that all of these tentacle things were, in some way, part of Vecna. It explained the screech she'd heard when she cut the one off of her ankle earlier when she'd been tripped. If that thing went inside of her then in theory he'd be fucking her without also being there. She actually had no idea where he went and he hadn't even announced he was leaving; he'd just kind of vanished.

"This isn't funny anymore..." She muttered trying to look down at what she could definitely feel was happening but not entirely see since there were tentacles wrapped around her neck keeping her head in place. Her eyes closed as she felt the tip of the thing brush against her waiting folds as if it was probing around just to get a taste. She moaned softly, shivering with pleasure, starting to relax a bit more.


Her eyes opened and she saw Jamie coming running in there towards her until he stopped in place as he realized what was happening. She kind of just stared at him because she had no idea how to explain this, especially the part where she wasn't even trying to get out of it. All she could do was stare back at him.

"I wish I could explain what this was but...I can't." She said after a moment.

"If it helps I think I can stop it." He said, "I did before, out there at least."

"These things aren't bats."

"That's not what I'm talking about."

"Maybe I don't...don't want it to stop." She muttered, hating herself even more for admitting it outloud. It wasn't like she really had a choice in the matter anyway because a second later the thing slipped inside of her and it felt amazing. She moaned again, closing her eyes. "Fuck."

"Like what you see?" Vecna asked from somewhere, her eyes weren't open anymore and it was hard to pay too much attention as the tentacle started to fuck into her like the most perverse yet flexible cock she'd ever felt in her life.

"I...not I don't...she doesn't-" Jamie stammered

"She doesn't what?" Vecna asked with a bit of a dark chuckle, "I know what humans enjoy and what they don't. I am capable of providing both pleasure and pain if I so chose and this is what I have done."

"It's not...right."

"But you are not stopping it are you? When you could, I know what you did out there. Do you think this is any different? This is what you want to see." Vecna insisted. She moaned again, her body tensing up, hearing the combination of those voices in addition to the fact that they were having the conversation like she wasn't even there wasn't making this any worse. If anything, it only added to the pleasure. "If you wish for it to stop, you would make it stop."

"I can make it stop."

"Then I won't stop you." Vecna told him. She opened her mouth, wanting to warn Jamie that he better fucking not stop it only to have another tentacle quickly slip into her mouth and down her throat. The one already fucking her sped up and she was rapidly approaching her orgasm. Never in her wildest dreams did she think she'd be double penetrated in such a way but it was leading up to what would certainly be one hell of a climax if Jamie would just shut his stupid mouth. "Go on, save your little princess, Jamie."

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