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It didn't take her long to collect the footage because all she had to do was text her mother about it. Something that her mother would have seen anyway since she was surely monitoring all of those rooms in one way or another as this was her project. She walked into her room only to see that Joseph was awake and Jamie was talking to him. Trying to explain to him that the situation was real and not a joke, that he'd been in there and seen it all for himself. Joseph seemed to look very fed up with this and when he noticed she had come into the room he looked at her as if she were supposed to confirm his story when it was meant to be the other way around. 

"Eddie is real, he's in the other room." Jamie blurted out.

"Really, Jamie? How long can you keep real secrets then? About 30 seconds?" She asked.

"He was going to find out anyway."

"I don't believe this shit." Joseph said and got up then swayed slightly on his feet and had to sit back down. No doubt the full effects of the sedative hadn't worn off yet. "Eddie is real, that's what you're saying now? Has everyone in this room lost their mind except for me?"

"What did you see in that hotel?" She asked.

"I don't know anymore I was and still am very tired and hungry."

"Get him some bread." Jamie muttered.

"Oh shut the fuck up." Joseph snapped, "Do you...have bread?"

"I...why wouldn't we have bread?"

"It's not very good bread if she's going to bring you what she gave me before I could have died going in there to save Eddie." Jamie said.

"Enough!" She yelled, "Jamie, I have the footage so could you just step away from this very stupid conversation for a moment and come look at it with me?"

"Show him." Jamie said, "Maybe then he'll believe something instead of being a stubborn jackass for once."

"I don't think he's really prepared for-"

"Go on." Joseph said. She grumbled under her breath about this being a really bad idea but grabbed the remote for her TV. Since her phone could cast onto it that would make it easier for all of them to watch. She pulled up the footage and had it transfer to that screen which was much larger.

"It's in black and white because it's security footage but other than that it's pretty clear as you can see." She said, motioning to the date and timestamp at the bottom. She hadn't even watched it yet so all they were seeing was a shot of the hallway between her room and the one where Eddie was.

"Play it already, wow me." Joseph said sarcastically. She took a few steps back to sit in a nearby chair then pressed play.

The scene stayed as it was for about ten seconds while Joseph sighed in annoyance before it switched to Eddie's room. They were having an argument about him not watching the video on her phone and were starting to fight. After about ten seconds of that the scene switched to her room where Jamie was on the bed laying next to Joseph who was still asleep at that point, and playing with his hair. Joseph turned to look at Jamie.

"I'm sorry but you have nice hair and don't pretend like you don't know that, besides are you really more concerned about this than the fact that you just saw her arguing with Eddie Munson while you were clearly in here with me?" He asked. Joseph paused as his brain seemed to short circuit for a second before he looked back at the screen.

"Go back." He said.

"To what? The fight with Eddie?"

"Yes. Do it." He instructed, snapping his fingers at her.

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