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"You don't know what you saw, she's probably not...I mean...if you saw that then you'd also be dead, yeah?" Joseph asked.

"I wasn't there, not my body so I can't answer that." He said. Someone, he'd managed to get out of the bathroom and get dressed again, though it was army fatigues for a second time since they didn't have anything else there that would fit him. He absolutely hated wearing shit like that but it wasn't as if he had any better options. At the moment, he cared more about what potentially happened to Cordelia than what he looked like though. Joseph was of the same mentality because he was dressed similarly as well and not complaining about it. "Maybe we should go talk to...what was it? Major Montgomery, that's her mother right?"

"I'm pretty sure there actually was an explosion, you felt it too, they have more important things to deal with." He said, but he kind of knew that wasn't true. Her mother should know what he saw even if it wasn't accurate. Potentially.

"We don't really know what that was-"

"I know you're just trying to make me feel better but...stop." He sighed and ran a hand over his face. "Fuck." He walked over to the intercom on the door and pressed the button trying to see if that would work because he didn't know if it was safe to leave that area with all the alarms still going.

"Do you really think anyone will answer us right now and if they do, are they going to tell us the truth?" Joseph asked. Before he could answer there was a pounding on the door. More accurately, a knock that was probably someone pounding on it because it was hard to hear over the sound of the alarms. He unlocked the door to see Eddie standing there looking panicked, he kind of jumped back then shook his head, muttered under his breath about being stupid and forced his way into the room.

"What's going on? What's with the alarms?"

"You know as much as we do." Jamie said.

"Not true." Joseph replied, "Do you think there's any aspirin in the bathroom, this noise is not helping my headache." He left to go into the bedroom and Jamie sat down on the edge of the bed. The memory of what had happened playing over and over in his mind, or at least what Vecna wanted him to think happened. He guessed he didn't know because no one was there.

"What does he mean by not true? Do you know something?" Eddie asked, having to shout to be heard over the alarms.

"I may have seen something." He replied though the alarms shut off in the middle of that so half of it sounded like he was yelling, "Sorry."

"May have? Or did?"

"I was under Vecna's control at the time so either what I saw happened or it was just what he wanted me to see but considering how what I saw was something that would have led to an explosion..."

"Shit." Eddie said, "And what was that?"

"This is not necessary for you to concern yourself with until we can confirm how real what I saw was."

"So it's bad, really bad..." Eddie said and looked around, "Where's Cordelia?"

"I don't know." He muttered and looked down at his hands. He had some idea though, he was positive she was in the general vicinity of Vecna. If they were both in pieces at that point or only she was, he didn't have that answer. He guessed he was at least lucky that what he saw was a blinding flash of light and not a bunch of body parts. He put a hand over his face and took a deep breath.

"Yeah, I believe you don't know anything, man. That face definitely confirms it."

"She may be dead but I hope she's not and I can't tell you yes or no. I don't think anyone can so if we could just avoid thinking about it-"

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