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She woke up a few hours later for some reason she couldn't exactly explain other than she felt like she was being watched. A feeling that turned out to be correct because Jamie was just standing there at the foot of the bed staring at them. His eyes had that weird frosted over glowing look that they'd had before. She moved away from Eddie, he just kind of snorted and rolled over but didn't wake up. Which was good. The last thing he needed was more trauma in his life. She moved to the edge of the bed and stood on it so she was a bit above Jamie then put her hand on his face.

"Jamie?" She said softly, "Hey, wake're sleep walking again or something."

"Why are you in here with him?" It wasn't his normal speaking voice, it was Vecna's. She sighed because as of that point she didn't know if he was just some kind of vessel or this was happening to him independently of that.

"Because he's a nice guy and...nothing happened if that's what you're worried about." She said, "Come on, snap out of it or I'm going to slap you."

"You want to know about your father." He said which was probably the only thing that stopped her from slapping him to try to knock him out of it. Mostly because she did want to know about that but how did he know? Not only that but would he be telling her the truth?

"Why do you think that? You can't see that part of my mind."

"But I can see your mother's."

"Right..." She said slowly, she didn't think that was a lie and it was probably on her mother's mind since she'd asked. Jamie had just been with her doing whatever it was they were doing to test the telekinesis. "What about him?"

"What do you want to know?"

"What my mother is trying to hide."

"She does not think you would be pleased to find out the true nature of your birth or what you really are."

"What I am?"

"What's going on?" Eddie muttered, "Is that Vecna?" She felt him shift under her in the bed then heard him scream when he woke up. Even that didn't snap Jamie out of his trance; he just continued to stand there as if nothing had happened.

"Shhh," She told him, "What are you talking about Jamie?"

"Your mother knows that you cannot die, not in the traditional sense. Perhaps, literally you could cease to live but you would come back. It is in your DNA. That is why she was not very concerned with sending you into the upside down."

"That doesn't answer my question."

"Your father is a man known as Blake Williams and he is not human."

"That can't possibly be true." She laughed, "I'm pretty human, right?" She glanced at Eddie who was still staring at Jamie until she kind of nudged him with her foot. He shook his head and then looked up at her.

"Look human enough to me."

"For now." He chuckled, "That could change. If you want it to."

"I still don't understand." She said.

"Your father is what you would call a vampire even if the actual term is upir. You mentioned before that vampires as humans know them are more closely aligned with a show you named. Hemlock Grove. Similar to that but more...demonic." He continued.

"I've never seen the show but...was my father a demon?"

"Hey!" Eddie shouted and got up, "Cordelia, I don't know what this freak is telling you but I'm sure he's making it up, vampires aren't real."

"They definitely are real, I've met them, but even if I couldn't say that after what you've seen you're going to not believe in vampires?" She asked him. He paused, seemed to think about it then lunged at Jamie and punched him in the face. It was hard enough to knock the guy back and out of his trance. He stumbled then fell to the floor and groaned.

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