Landing at point rain part 2

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Five's point of view

the mission was clear, we had to get back to the battlefield the question is how thankfully we had the commander who could fly give us a rendezvous point where we should go. Still I Believe out of all the audience in the universe we somehow end up with the same commander we met up back at the Academy I mean really what are the of that

Echo looks up at the commander in the sky: incredible

I can't disagree: what do you think he sees up there

Echo: probably a lot more than we can see down here just hope the commander knows he is doing his canny giving our position away

there is also true that stalag we have much of a choice have many resources to take advantage of, in fact it wasn't for the commander me and Echo are probably in more trouble if he wasn't. 

The commander finally comes down from the sky and points north: there seems to be a large amount of smoke in that direction I think that's where battles taking place on the problem is that at least 50 clicks (translation 50 miles) with my leg twisted I will be able to run on for a long

I suggest something: Sir you can fly why not carry the two of us and we can get there faster

the commander shakes his head: unfortunately I'm technically not "flying"it's more like floating and before you ask there is a difference floating is just a lower form of gravity allowing me to hover, but if I add more weight it becomes harder for me to float I could probably carry one of you for about maybe 5 miles but then I will eventually fall back onto the ground closer took a big risk by flying to get our location I think maybe we should walk for a little while

Echo: but so even if we do somehow make it to the battlefield how can we help we only have one blaster between us you're already injured and we've now got a 50 mile walk to get to the battlefield and possibly through an army of those bugs.

the commander seem to think about this for a moment before speaking: well what about... What if we hijack a tank?

Me and Echo look at the commander confused: that does sound like a good plan sir but there's nothing around here for miles you really think the bugs are going to come this far away from the battlefield?

The commander: give them a reason to these guys they live underground right? Well won't happen if they started hearing a barrel field right above the they would have to investigate

that is true but how exactly the oh I get it... He's going to use his super strength to make it seem like there's a battle happening in this area they'll send the tank along some swarms of bugs to investigate and we hijack the tank and use it to join the battle rather unorthodox but it just might work

so the commander unleashed a bunch of sonic claps to imitate a battle this went on for about 15 minutes until finally some of the bugs since their new droids to investigate the ones that was supposedly created from schematics from  earth which is the unfortunate part because the bugs did not send a tank but the commander made quick work of the droids reading destroy all of the note he left one around it was deactivated me seem to be messing around with it

me and Echo went to check on the commander to see what he was doing: Sir what exactly are you doing?

The commander: well a friend of mine built these things and I'm thinking she bolted either against a will or through brainwashing but if I know her she would have put in a manual override in here somewhere, It's the first thing they teach us back at ua just in case the robots go rogue and it should be right about... Here!

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