Lightsaber lost part 1

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There's just so we're clear remember when I said that this story is a sequel well I think if I finish this part of the episode the ghosts of Mortis there should beware this first part of the story ends and that's when asked about the sequel sitting pretty good place to set up for the sequel

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ahsoka point of view

it's been a couple of days since the "talk" in the ship they have to say things are going rather well to be honest izuku up with all of our sin having so much fun together plus it's nice to have someone to talk to about this and it's also nice to have someone cover for you especially when one of those people are on the Jedi Council so now we've got more protection and we did before in case anyone finds out about our relationship

but enough about that izuku Master skywalker and I are hunting down some criminals calling themselves the reservoir dogs their from earth obviously but apparently they're not big time crooks just small time pickpockets and occasional robbers according to izuku

so that's why we've got to run through the underworld of trying to find these bank robbers never really did like going down the slow this place is disgusting and filled with criminals I know it's no one's fault but still wish people would take better care of themselves and also wish they would stop staring at my boyfriend so much and when I get his famous not to mention intimidating but still they don't have to steer so much especially those girls over there who are giggling and making me wish I could use the force on them to get them to stop!

no no no calm down ahsoka you find with your boyfriend having two girlfriends you can live with a couple of girls staring that being said if they try to make a move for him...all bets are off

Master skywalker: so remind me again why the descendants to catch these guys if they just street thugs, then we put the Jedi guard down in the underworld to stop crime like this from happening why do we have to be the ones to claim this one up

there is true ever since the Jedi guard was placed in the underworld the crime rate has gone down significantly a lot of lists street crimes and gangsters are getting away with it the Jedi guard was put there to try and stop earth from committing crimes of course obviously the Jedi guard wasn't going to let anyone get away with if they could avoid it but I do agree with blaster this feels like it's not really a problem were overqualified for what's needed here

izuku explained: you two would know if you actually listened in on Master Yoda said

I punch his arm playfully: oh really Mr I remember everything okay so what are these reservoir dogs do that got the attention of the Jedi Council

izuku smiled: they've been getting information on military strategies somehow and they've been giving them to the separatists look like they're just a middleman in this transaction so we catch them we can shutdown this leak

that makes sense as renovated scanner genius we think about it reservoir dogs are well I would say stupid but I would say the gullible the probably don't even realise whether doing is considered a war crime

Master skywalker: well I guess I can see why the council thought this was important but... Do you think dabi involved with this

dabi the flame user and one sadistic criminal the boat Senate put out a bounty on him and at least 10 bounty hunters went after him all 10 of them were recovered well their bodies were all burnt to a crisp. We haven't seen any sign of dabi since we rescued the children from the sith but I have to imagine he still out there planning his next big scheme and this time with the help of ending and anyone else he plans to manipulate or team up with

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