Prologue - the beginning of the end

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Similar to the long years of the English civil war between the Loyalists, the Crown, and the Parliamentarian forces, the people of Britain became divided and reshaped the nation. A new wage was being fought over truth and freedom.

The emergence of the "New Troubles" promised a new era of security and protection. Tremors of rebellion shook the country once again, reminiscent of the English Civil War, forcing people to choose sides and stand up for their beliefs. However, what loomed on the horizon would bring the nation dangerously close to the edge of destruction, forever shaping its future.

Years had passed since the Freedom Day Massacre, and the public outcry and ensuing revolution had given way to the Northern uprisings and the birth of the "New Troubles." The coalition Government made relentless efforts to quell the violence and civil unrest, sparing no measure to protect the citizens of Britain. Accepting the new normal, cities were divided into 15-minute zones, pay per mile travel restrictions and embargos were imposed, and new laws prevented free movement. At first these new controls were brought in under the guide of climate change but were later weaponised against the masses as they started to push back against those who now controlled them.

These new Draconian laws were accompanied by the establishment of new city borders and security checkpoints, aimed at preventing unauthorized entry into restricted areas. Advanced technology and emergency powers facilitated swift identification and detention of known terrorists and their associates. Re-education and detention camps were established to house dissenters and those who spoke out against the establishment. As the need for Artificial Intelligence grew, enhanced digital security measures were implemented, aiding law enforcement and intelligence services.

Drones and Robots, once the stuff of science fiction, became accepted tools for police forces across the country. Alongside new stop and search powers, laws were enacted to restrict the movement of weapons, propaganda materials, and communication methods used by those involved in spreading hate and terror.

Following the Freedom Day Massacre, anger grew, leading to a surge in support for the Freedom movement, with millions joining the cause. This influx of belief also gave rise to an increase in misinformation and conspiracy theories, spread by individuals seeking notoriety and fame. Celebrities and social media influencers flooded the internet with lies, distorting the truth for personal gain. False prophets preached about the impending Armageddon, fuelling fear and replacing rational thinking. People became willing to accept almost anything to protect themselves and their families.

This campaign of disinformation and counter disinformation culminated in mass food riots in Leeds, Manchester, and Sheffield, resulting in the deaths of twenty-five police officers and over thirty innocent civilians, with hundreds more injured. Lies fuelled dissent, while the media fanned the flames of hatred, creating an inferno of violence. In the aftermath of the Food Riots, the Government presented evidence that the riots were planned retaliatory attacks for the deaths in the Freedom Day Massacre. This evidence became the thread that unravelled a web of deceit, ushering in an era of protection and security. Politicians and intelligence services used this evidence to pass new laws, preventing mass protests and branding the Freedom Movement as a banned organization, labelling its members as terrorists and wanted criminals. Many saw this as the death knell for democracy and free speech, sparking further riots as the people fought to reclaim their power. Their attempts were met with resistance from the Counter Disinformation Units and the newly formed Section 12. With the rise of technology and social media, cyberspace and the cloud became the latest battlegrounds in the war for truth, democracy, and freedom.

In response to the escalating violence, a new police drone network was introduced, equipped with increased facial recognition and biometric identification software. People were now tagged and tracked like animals, their movements recorded and stored in vast databases. These fully automated drones, driven by Artificial Intelligence, could identify and track suspects without human intervention. The media coined this new drone network "the Swarm" and applauded the Government for swiftly acting to protect the people.

When local police forces became overwhelmed and unable to control the mob, the military was called in to provide support, citing the necessity of law and order. This move led the Government to implement tighter controls and stricter measures, further eroding the people's freedom.

Control of the "Swarm" drone network was eventually handed over to the intelligence services and the new national State police. While many questioned the use of the Swarm, television stars praised the military for their efforts, and the phrase "if you weren't doing anything illegal, you had nothing to fear" became a commonly used mantra. Martial law had been declared in the Northern Free states, prompting the deployment of troops on the streets in an effort to restore order and bring peace back to the nation. The measures implemented to protect the capital and the Southern counties appeared successful in containing the spread of terror.

Meanwhile, life carried on as usual for those residing south of the checkpoints and forward operating bases. Shielded from the horrors unfolding, they went about their daily routines, blissfully unaware of the constant stream of terror depicted on every major media channel. The ongoing news reports brought the atrocities of the New Troubles into the homes of every citizen. The Government now exerted control over the general population, coercing them into surrendering more of their freedoms in exchange for the illusion of security. What was even more disconcerting was that many individuals willingly complied, finding a strange sense of satisfaction in doing so.

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