Restrainting Strings - 3

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(3rd person)

This went on for days, weeks even. Kaedahara would see The Balladeeer. Then he'd try to talk to the Harbinger but The Balladeer just kept running away. He was scared. Too scared to reveal even the slightest scent of weakness to the public eyes.

But there was something about Kazuha that struck Scaramouche somewhere deep inside him. Would this poet actually take care of Scaramouche instead of turning him away?

Kaedahara has been so strangely passionate as he attempts to convince this puppet to knock down the walls that he'd built up over the decades and centuries of solitude that The Balladeer is almost standing on a tightrope, just waiting for a small gust of wind to blow him either way.
He could either continue bottling up his feelings. Or he could finally tear down the walls and release the overwhelming emotions taking a constant hold over him.

The Balladeer was like this with pretty much everything. Just a bystander, waiting for a strong opinion to sway him one way or the other.

Although he wished to carry on alone, Kazuha's constant persistance was swaying him to the more unfamiliar side of things.

It'd been almost a month of trying now. Kazuha would notice him everyday but only building the courage up to say something every other day or so.

The Balladeer constantly tricked himself into twisting Kazuha's motives to something other than the Kaedahara's sheer amount of empathy for The Balladeer.

"Come on... please... I'm begging you too. I know it's difficult for you. I know it's unfamiliar. I understand that it's not as simple as just letting loose. I understand what you feel... you can express your hurtful emotions in any way you want. Just... please... I promise that you can talk to me. I swear on my life, I'd give up my Vision, my passions, just so that you, Kunikuzushi, will finally listen to the pleads your soul is screaming. Please... I won't run... I won't hide... please..."

Kazuha had put his life on the line here. Before Kaedahara could stop himself, a singular tear rolled down his face. Seeing this, Scaramouche has been finally pushed over into new territory.

This boy shed tears for him. He actually cares.

"I- I... fine... your life is on the line here. Tell a soul and you're dead." Scaramouche said finally

"Y-you will..? Really..?" Kazuha whispered

"Yes. I will."

Kazuha walks closer the the purple haired boy standing before him.

"I don't have a name. Yes, I am Kunikuzushi, Kabukimono, Scaramouche, and The Balladeer but none of those names were given to me by my creator. I've been living under names created by myself and The Harbingers, I have no names. Call me whatever you'd like. I would've been the puppet in place of the Electro Archon, like Raiden Shogun, if I hadn't been too fucking fragile. Ei left me. Abandoned to wander the streets of Inazuma alone. The Electro Gnosis wouldn't connect with my body. It would've been my heart. Now that I don't have it, all there is inside my chest is a gapping hole of pure Electro energy. I—"

Scaramouche stopped. He was choking on his own words. He looked down at his arms to see the familiar red strings tied tightly around his arms and wrists. They tightened as he noticed. A crack appeared as they did. His joints stiff, voice box aching as he tried to continue. His vision was fading in spots.

"I-I h—ve to go! I w-w_l $ee y°u at s-some p-i_t! I'm so—_ry" The puppet tried to say through his malfunctioning machinery.

"W-wait! What's happening?" Kazuha called after the boy

Before Kaedahara could say anything, the puppet attempted to escape without 'bothering' the boy any more.

"_-$*# K__a I—m s_°%y ta-k°¥ l@t_r! Scaramouche pushed out through the glitching and pain.

"I- okay..." Kazuha was confused but defeated. He knew this was beyond both of their controls

Kazuha sensed that Scaramouche wanted to say more but something would never let the puppet truly open up about his trauma until all of The Balladeer was completely safe with the thought that he could tell another mortal about his backstory.

Scaramouche had run back to his camp on Yashiori Island. The further he got away from Kazuha, the less pain he was in. Scaramouche knew deep down that he wanted to open up to Kazuha but his whole self wasn't okay yet. His soul longed for someone to talk to, a hand to reach out to that would pull him out of this dark place that his head was in constantly.

Scaramouche wondered about the Shakkei Pavilion. This was his old home, the place that he'd lived a major point of his life in. That place is deep in Kannazuka. The Balladeer could go there in a flash if he wanted but it was his mission to stay near the delusion factory in case a group of Treasure Hoarders did wander in and disrupt the Archon Residue building up inside. This was deadly to people with 'normal' immune systems.

The Balladeer was the only person assigned this specific task as he was a puppet. He didn't know why they could've given it to The Marionette, Sandrone or one of The Doctor's, Il Dottore's clones. After all; they're not human at all. Sandrone is a puppet and Dottore's clones aren't human either.

The Balladeer hated being a Fatui Harbinger at this point. None of the others like him, but none of the Harbingers like each other in the first place. Perhaps except from The Rooster, Puncinella and Childe, Tartaglia. But, in Scaramouche's eyes, Puncinella was definitely not helping Tartaglia out of the 'kindness of his heart' he knew that there was a deeper reason.

(Arlecchino x Columbina/Pantalone x Dottore)

There was something between The Regrator, Pantalone, and The Doctor, Il Dottore. Pantalone took 'special mention' to the 2nd Harbinger. They also, 'know each other outside work' which Scaramouche doubts. The only others that don't hate each other are The Damslette, Columbina and The Knave, Arlecchino. All the people with their clashing personalities practically drain The Balladeer's surprisingly nonexistent battery.

The rest of the Harbingers don't talk outside of work or shared missions. La Signora also resides in Inazuma currently for a mission. It's not the same mission as The Balladeer's though.

The Balladeer is tasked with distributing Delusions to the soldiers of Watatsumi Island. While La Signora is supposed to be retrieving Raiden Shogun's Gnosis.

Scaramouche knew that he'd obtain the Gnosis before his co-worker. After all, he knows Inazuma's environment like the back of his hand and he's two whole ranks above La Signora. Alas, if The Balladeer's body had connected with the Gnosis, then he'd be much higher ranked.

The Balladeer attempts to fill his head with any and every other thought possible to keep his mind off of Kazuha. This works for a while but of course, this wouldn't work forever.

Something in this world was going to draw the two boys together. No matter the cost.

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