Chapter 2

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Adelaide was finishing hanging the freshly laundered clothes outside when a courier delivered a letter to her. It had been over two months since Link left Hateno, and she had been longing to hear news about him. The only updates she received were from her husband when he returned from the castle. Although the letter was addressed to Karl, she decided to read it herself.

With surprise and concern, she learned that her beloved son would be transferred to a group of more experienced apprentices. Edward, his master, explained in the letter that he had observed Link closely and found his skill level and talent far surpassed those of his peers. Adélaide held the letter close to her chest with a sigh before entering her house to share the news with her husband. She had been worrying so much, and if Link joined a higher-level group, he would be knighted much earlier than expected and could be sent to fight in battles.

Meanwhile, Link had to move to a different dormitory and relocate all his belongings. His new room was just as small as the previous one, furnished with only a bed, a wardrobe, and a stool. However, he had already grown accustomed to the minimal setup. On that day, Edward accompanied him to the courtyard where his future companions were training. When Link realized he would be among apprentices three years his senior, he felt quite insignificant, especially since they all possessed much better equipment than he did. Link kept his Elimith shield, his small sword, and his hunting bow. Only his cherished quiver remained back home, far too valuable to bring along.

"What are you bringing us here, Edward?" Arthur, a tall brown-haired man who turned out to be Link's new master, asked. "Is he here to observe?"

Edward placed a hand on the blond boy's back and shook his head.

"This is the boy I told you about the other day," he explained.

The brown-haired man's eyes widened, taken aback, thinking they were joking.

"He seems quite young," he remarked, scratching his beard. "I'm not so sure about your claims, my friend."

Crossing his arms, Edward looked displeased. "If you don't believe me, have him spar with one of your apprentices. A few minutes will be enough to convince you."

"Very well," Arthur responded without turning around. "Gautier!"

Behind him, all the future knights paused their training and looked in their master's direction before noticing the newcomers. Gautier, a young man with lighter blond hair than Link's, came forward rather reluctantly and stood next to Arthur.

"Yes, Master Arthur?"

The knight pointed to the young Hylian. "You will face him. Now."

This order puzzled the sixteen-year-old who wanted to object immediately.

"But... He's far too..."

"It's an order," his master interrupted before stepping back.

Gautier couldn't refuse and reluctantly complied. As for Link, he simply followed his elder to the center of the courtyard. All the others lined up to observe, and some even sat in the grass to rest. Gautier didn't seem at all thrilled about this fight.

As Link grabbed his wooden shield and drew his sword, it elicited a bitter laugh from a few apprentices. A peasant's son. He probably couldn't afford a metal shield and a more imposing weapon.

"You may begin," Arthur said, scrutinizing Link intently. "I'll give you a few minutes."

The two opponents circled each other, observing their movements. Being left-handed, Link was not to Gautier's liking, as it meant he had to be extra cautious with his defense. Surprisingly, it was the young chosen one who initiated the attack with a swing from his left side. Gautier was somewhat caught off guard but managed to parry with his shield while stepping back. The boy was quick, that much was evident. Link didn't give him a moment's rest and followed up with a forward strike, successfully breaking Gautier's defense, as he wasn't accustomed to fighting a left-handed opponent. Link repeated his attack, but this time Gautier skillfully dodged by leaning backward.

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