Chapter 11

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Knight's Code of Honour

9. He will be, everywhere and always, the victor of Right and Good against Injustice and Evil.


That morning, Link woke up in a start and let out a panicked cry due to the cold sweats he was experiencing. In his nightmare, he was engaged in yet another battle, but this time, all his fellow knights were decimated before his eyes, and he couldn't do anything to help them. Powerless and a witness to their death, Link was then overwhelmed by guilt and haunted by the reproaches of the deceased and their shattered families. And all that weight that gradually grew on his shoulders eventually took its toll on him. Because of him, they had all perished... The Hero had not been able to save them.

Sitting in the center of his mat, the young man pondered over his nightmare, wondering what its meaning could be. Watching his brothers-in-arms die without doing anything was contrary to everything he had been taught and the knights' code of honor. Was it his subconscious warning him? Showing him that he was not yet ready? So early in the morning, he had no desire to bother pondering over a topic that had no answer. Since Princess Zelda had to spend the day in meetings with nobles about the kingdom's economy, Link dressed in his royal guard uniform, as he was not required to fulfill his role as a serving knight or the prodigy. His former title resumed its place.

It had been a little over a week since he had accompanied Zelda to the Spring of Courage. Upon their return, the king received his daughter and did not miss the chance to express his displeasure. Link learned this from one of his fellow guards who secured the throne room. It left him somewhat perplexed, as on one hand, reproaching the princess for her inability was not the best way to awaken the power; on the other hand, as a father, he kept too much distance from the princess. As for Link's injuries, the one on his face had already healed, and the one on his shin continued to bother him during certain movements, although it was starting to heal.

After that, the young man spent the morning by the princess's side, ensuring her safety as usual. By midday, he left and went to have lunch. Link sat at the table with Ulric, one of his fellow royal guards.

"Hey, Link!" Ulric greeted him warmly. "How have you been since last time? Is your leg getting better?"

Link nodded and was served the daily dish, which consisted of meat and some vegetables. Nothing particularly appetizing at first glance.

"I have news from Akkala," Ulric informed him after wiping his mouth. "Apparently, they repelled a surprise attack the day before yesterday. It wasn't much... About thirty monsters, and they poured boiling oil on them to discourage them from reaching the fortress."

The brown-haired man sighed as he ran a hand through his hair.

"Sometimes I wonder if these creatures are capable of reasoning," he continued with weariness. "Don't they have brains to think? Attacking in such small groups is pure madness... At this rate, we are certain to win the war!"

Link didn't share his view. It was only the beginning. Perhaps the monsters were trying different attack methods, or maybe they were just evaluating the Hylians' capabilities. And one should never underestimate Calamity Ganon. The Divine Beasts were created to face him. Their imposing size showed that their enemy must be equally formidable.

"How is your role as the princess's serving knight going, by the way? Are you facing any difficulties?" Ulric asked him sympathetically. "I told you, if you need advice, I can guide you."

The Champion  politely declined with a wave of his hand.

"Everything is going well," he replied simply, much to Ulric's surprise.

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