Chapter 21

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Hi ! I'm Lyse Krollson, the writer. Thank you for following this story until now. I hope my vocable is okay, I have been learning many new words since I started to translate. So I think my chapters are better now. Sorry for all the mistakes that remain. I am trying to correct my story as best I can! 


More than four hundred dead and twice as many wounded. These are the numbers from the last battle. A heavy toll for the Hyrulian peoples. A stifling atmosphere reigned within the castle, as if no one dared to continue their daily lives. All had lost at least one relative, one friend... But the king knew that this battle marked the final stretch before the return of the Calamity. It was only a matter of a few weeks according to Oswald and his studies. He hoped, however, to be wrong because it took time to recreate the regiments and train future soldiers or knights. After the battle and Link's departure for Hateno, two days earlier, the princess was left alone. Faced with this situation, Urbosa proposed to stay with her throughout the absence of the Hylian Champion. The latter was hailed as a true hero for all his exploits and the number of lives he had saved on the battlefield.

In her study, Zelda carefully analysed the sample of gloom she had collected. At her side, the Gerudo queen watched her, keeping a certain distance so as not to disturb her.

"This thing kills everything it touches, it's scary," Zelda informed her. "Look, Urbosa..."

The blonde showed her the iron spatula she had been using seconds before. She had become rusty.

"It's disgusting," Urbosa commented with a grimace. "Are there other places where this can be found?"

"Not to my knowledge. But it is possible that Ganon does not hesitate to reappear. For the moment, only the Master Sword can get rid of it."

Zelda got up to take a vial containing the water from the Spring of Power, came to sit down and poured a few drops on the dark substance. Nothing happened, much to her dismay.

"You should try to bless this water with your own hands before pouring it, little bird," suggested the redhead, placing hers on her hips. "Maybe it will have an effect?"

The Hylian took time to think. This proposal made sense. After all, why not? As a precaution, she set aside some of the gloom to keep it if it ever worked. Zelda placed the vial of spring water in front of her and then wrapped her eyes around it with her hands. In a low voice, she recited the divine words, concentrating to the maximum. A warm envelope surrounded her hands as in the ritual of the appointed knight. Zelda opened her eyes again and examined the vial. Of course, the water had not changed its appearance. Carefully, she poured small drops on the gloom which emitted a faint high-pitched noise as it disappeared.

"You were right, this thing is indeed related to Ganon," said Gerudo suspiciously. "Others could appear in turn... What does the king think?"

"My father started searches across the kingdom to find other traces of gloom. It was Impa who convinced him by showing him my sample and my picture."

Zelda put the vial away on her shelf and then grabbed the sample as she walked to the deck outside.

"I'll send him to Robbie so he can test his new equipment with it," the princess announced, walking with a steady step to her room. "If he really created weapons against the Calamity, my father will be able to order them and equip part of the army."

"And what does Link think of this gloom?" Urbosa asked curiously.

The blonde slowed her pace by holding her bottle more firmly.

"We didn't have time to talk about it again... Events happened too quickly," she said with sorrow.

Pained to see her like this, Urbosa paused for a few moments, watching her walk away. There was no longer any doubt that the links between the two chosen ones had become very strong. Their remarkable friendship, however, had started badly.

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