Bonus part 2

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The joy was so vivid, so intense for Zelda when she saw Impa again, now a centuries-old Sheikah with her mind still sharp, that the young girl couldn't hold back her tears of emotion. Naturally, Impa threw a party that very evening in honor of the princess's return, as well as their victory after a hundred years of domination by Evil. During the meal, Impa could tell her young friend about the challenges she had overcome, as well as the few happy events, like the birth of her daughter and then her granddaughter, Paya. The latter sat next to the Hero and paid close attention to his every move. Seeing him so open and happy in the presence of the princess caused a pang in the young Sheikah's heart, which was torn by doubts.

"Despite the memories that were gradually coming back to me, there was always a shadow that left them incomplete," Link explained, holding a bowl of rice in his hands. "Since I still had no memory of the princess, I couldn't remember everything distinctly... But thanks to Kass, I was finally able to fill the void that was eating away at me."

"Kass?" Zelda repeated, looking puzzled.

Link nodded.

"He's a Rito who was Cassius's apprentice. He inherited many of his songs as well as all his studies about the shrines. Believe me, Kass was a valuable help to me! He even gave me our picture taken on the day of the Champion ceremony."

"I remember," the princess smiled. "I'd really love to see it again."

Her knight told her that the photograph was currently at his home, in his family house that he had bought back. Link had the chance to recount all his adventures after Impa's, and the whole village seemed to hang on his words with unconditional admiration. During dessert, some musicians began singing quite lively traditional songs, but the young man preferred to savor his cake and enjoy the pleasures of peace. From now on, he could sleep soundly without fearing for his life or the lives of others.

"Impa, will you be able to help me with the kingdom's reconstruction?" the worried princess asked. "I would need an adviser, but given your advanced age..."

The Sheikah patted her thigh playfully while sporting a smile.

"Don't bury me prematurely, Princess! You can count on me for a few more years. I'll teach my role to Paya so she can take over."

"Me?" Paya was surprised. "But... But I don't know anything about it!"

"That's why I used the word 'teach', my dear."

Her grandmother gave her a complicit wink that made the young woman embarrassed. Becoming the adviser to the future queen was an immense privilege and honor! But it was also a very heavy duty. Paya saw the hero rise next to her and extend a hand to the princess.

"Would you care to dance with me?" he risked asking, his heart racing slightly.

"Link, you know I don't really enjoy it..."

He gave an almost mischievous smile.

"You specifically mentioned that it was the case when it involved noble, pretentious riders who proudly displayed themselves with you. Is that my case?"

Zelda furrowed her brows as she looked at him seriously, then crossed her arms.

"You're playing with my words."

"During my amnesia, I learned to dance from Hateno because I felt I'd need it someday. After all my efforts, would you refuse?"


Link sighed, dejected. He should have expected this... His crestfallen look managed to amuse the princess despite her intention to remain impassive. She became a little less rigid and uncrossed her arms.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2023 ⏰

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