Chapter 19

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Knight's Code of Honour

17. The knight holds the freedom of conscience to be the very basis of a just and humane order. In defence of this freedom, he is ready to make all pains and sacrifices.


For several nights, Link had been struggling to sleep, which was contrary to his habits. Sometimes he would stay awake for more than three hours before finally falling asleep. And even if the Champion had no answer explaining this phenomenon, he ended up putting it down to the rising temperatures; The evenings were not as cool as before and therefore did not make it easy to fall asleep. Yet, a strange presentiment pulled him at times. Without knowing the cause, Link preferred to remain on his guard because he knew that his instincts rarely deceived him.

One morning, he joined the princess and Impa for breakfast and was immediately intrigued when he felt the heavy atmosphere that reigned. The young man silently took his seat at the table and began to help himself when the royal councillor spoke.

"I heard a disturbing news this morning, Link," she announced in a deep voice, leaning on the table. "East of Lake Hylia would have appeared a strange red and black substance. By touching it, travellers too curious have seen their skin gnaw quickly, as if this... thing consumed them."

The Hylian frowned as he took this information very seriously. What could it be? A new trap on the part of the monsters? Zelda spoke while holding the handle of her steaming cup:

"We will leave today to examine it. I will take the necessary samples to analyse them in my study. If there is a link with the return of the Calamity, it is necessary at all costs to prevent the Hyrulians from approaching it."

"I already told you it was dangerous," Impa lectured her, unenthusiastic about the princess leaving.

Link watched them debate about it: Zelda's determination remained unwavering, as did her friend's refusal. Finally, the girl finally gets up without warning. She asked Link to join her outside her apartments once he was done. The latter could only witness her sudden departure without even being able to answer. It took him a good quarter of an hour before leaving the table. Link followed his friend's injunction and took a few more minutes to reach the corridor leading to her apartments. Once there, he waited against a wall looking through a window. Only a few clouds covered the sky that day.

Discreetly, the door next to him opened, a blond head came out and then carefully scanned the surroundings under the lost gaze of the Champion. Zelda then grabbed his arm and pulled him unceremoniously before closing it behind her.

"Your Highness?" Link said, unsettled by the unusual behaviour.

Immediately, she motioned for him to be quiet and follow her through the corridor intended only for members of the royal family and possibly guards who were watching. But this time, the princess had to send them back because there were none. She had put on a grey half-cape and was carrying a bag filled beforehand with some provisions. Zelda took a secluded staircase and quickly walked down it with her friend until she arrived in a long, dimly lit hallway. At the end, a secret door led to the royal stable and allowed the king, for example, to flee if it became a necessity. At that moment, Link understood.

"Are you planning to leave despite Lady Impa's prohibition?" he asked, stunned.

"I have asked the advice of Councillor Oswald," replied the princess, saddling her horse. "He supported me and asked me to bring him the results of my analysis as soon as possible. He even thinks that a future battle is approaching..."

She anchored her green eyes in his, abruptly tightening her horse's straps. Link had to comply. His role was to protect her, not to have a say in such matters.

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