Chapter 3

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Walking onto the field, ace looked around to find the man she was looking for. Found him shouting at some kid pretty sure it was Greenberg.

"Hey coach?" The older man turn towards the auburn haired girl, "what's up kid?" He always like ace, he liked her brother one of his best players before he died. "I know try outs were a couple days ago but I was wondering if I could tr-"

"No girls on the team" Jackson came out of know where, the girl sighed already pissed of with the boy. "Actually that why it took me till now to ask, I was reading the rule of the school sports section" she lied to both men. Only one who knew that was Scott, who was stood next to stiles smirking.

"Jackson, shut up" coach snapped, "you make a goal past our best defence and goalie your on the team got it?" Coach off the red head. She smiled, a real smile.

"Thanks coach!"

Coach knew the girl was good, she would come and watch every game of her brothers and he would teach her everything he knew.

Get the spare gear on, she quickly grab a stick and went to the front line, pausing as she smelt a familiar smell, locking eyes with derek who gave her a small smile and nod telling her she got this.

She took of running, dodging all the players,

"Holy shit"

"Did you know she could play?" Scott asked stiles, stiles shook his head.

"Yess ace!" Her ears picked up on Issac voice.

Just as Jackson went to tackle her down she jumped up over him throwing the ball into the net!

The stans that had a few people watching from cheered, along with Scott, stiles and Danny.

"That's my girl" coach shouted! "Little red!" Ace looked toward coach "your on the team!" She smiled.

Running over tackling her with a hug, she stood their shocked, when the two boys let go she realised it was Scott and stiles. "Wow ace that was fucking awesome" Scott told her.

"Thanks scotty, Hope didn't steal your thunder" she winked at him. Scott was then called over to coach leave stiles and ace on their own.

"You did really good rory" her face fell at his last word, "you okay?" He asked seeing her face. "Uhh yeah, just I haven't been called rory in a long time" she hoped he would work it out and she wouldn't have to explain it.

Which he did, he nodded "sorry I won't do it again" he awkwardly rubbed his neck, "no your good stiles, it was nice, shocking but nice" she smiled at him.

Issac walked up to the duo. "Nice job piece" he said messing up her hair, she hit him in his ribs with her elbow "thanks Lahey" she smiled at him, in the corner of her eye she could she stiles frowning looking between the two.

"McCall's gonna go again!" Coach shouted!

Jackson got back to his position in mid-field as Scott returns to the front of the line-up for one-on-ones; ace frowned, she could smell anger and hatred, it was coming from Scott. "This is not going to end well" she muttered.

After a moment, Coach blows his whistle to have them start "Let's go!" He yelled, Scott ran full-speed at Jackson, gripping his lacrosse stick hard as he collides with Jackson, his right shoulder hitting Jackson right in the collarbone on the same side. Jackson fell backwards, landing flat on his back in the grass just as Scott had just gone earlier, and clutches his right shoulder in pain

"Oh that got hurt" she said, stiles nodding in agreement, "stiles, he's not in control" she quickly noticed Scott frantic behaviour. "See ya later lahey" she patted Issac on the back and ran off with stiles towards Scott.

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