Chapter 6

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A few days had gone by since the first game of the season, ace had be ignoring stiles and Scott calls and texts. Very much have been avoiding them in school, on the days she had gone in this week.

Ace was sat on her bed, with a soft sounds of Harry style playing in the background, while she finished her English homework Ivy had dropped of earlier that evening. When all of a sudden she caught a sent coming from just outside her bedroom window.

"Come in issac" she smiled, as the confused boy rolled into her bedroom. "How do you always know I'm there?" He asked. "Cuz I have magic powers" she laughed, Issac thought she was joking but she knew she wasn't.

"You okay?" She asked, she looked over the whole boy and he seemed to be fine. "Yeah yeah, he was getting bad so I left before he could do anything" he explained. Ace nodded.

"Want to watch Harry Potter?" Ace suggested, knowing it was their go to thing to watch. "Of course" he smiled, jumping on her, he would have crushed her if it wasn't for the werewolf strength.

"Get your fat ass on your side, lanky!" Ace shoved the boy over, as he laughed at the nickname the girl came up with. "That's a new one" he said. She laughed "yeah well you call me tiny, so you're lanky" she told him before sticking her tongue out at him.

"Want popcorn or chocolate?" She asked

"Both" he smiled sweetly. Making ace laugh as she left the room.

As she walked downstairs, her dad was stood in the kitchen. "You heard all that?" She asked, of course he did he's got super hearing. He nodded. "You're a good friend ace" he gave the girl a quick forehead kiss before heading up to bed.

Ace quickly grab the food and made her way up to her room to find Issac in his pj which was just some pj bottom and an old T-shirt and set up the film.

Sleepover like this was normal for them, Issac would show up (sometimes injured, sometimes not) they'd watch a film and eat junk food and then go to sleep. Ace in her bed and Issac on then pull out mattress that was kept underneath her bed.

After the many time of Issac sleeping on the floor, Ben and ace brought a mattress for the boy. Non of them mentioned it. One day it showed up and Issac was always thankful to have people that cared but didn't push him.

The next morning was the same as before, a sticky note on top of her head written by the curly haired boy,

Thanks for last night
Had to pop home for clothes.
See you at school, pls come in today can't deal with mr Harris on my own.

Lahey ;)

She smiled at the note before putting it in the bin and getting ready for the day. I notices Issac scarf, it must of fallen out of his bag, I put it in mine knowing I can give it to him at school.


Leaning against my locker, my eyes watching students walk by as my eyes fell on dumb and dumber at the end of the hall, being nosey I focused my hearing on them, "So, you killed her?" My eyes shot up at that, who the fuck did Scott kill?

"I don't know. I just woke up. And I was sweating like crazy, and I couldn't breathe. I've never had a dream where I woke up like that before." Scott explained,

"Really? I have. Usually ends a little differently..." stiles says, oh gross stiles.

"A) I mean I've never had a dream that felt that real, and B)--" them being close to me now I can see Scott looks at Stiles with a disgusted expression

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2023 ⏰

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