Chapter 5

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Not even  5 minutes after Ivy picked Tommy up and I already had someone banging on my front door, could this day get anymore annoying.

"WHAT!" I swing the door open, to find the buzzcut boy I left behind not even an hour ago.

He stood their eyes wide and mouth slightly apart, I narrowed my eyes at him. Looking him up and down. I could play this either way. Pretend to still be annoyed at him, I mean I get why he and Scott did it, they don't know everything and Scott's trying to do what he think was right. I mean he was wrong and being a completely stupid head but he's a lacrosse player he probably had to many balls to the face.

"What stillinski?" I ask again, he been stood on my porch for over 2 minutes and hadn't said a word.

"Have you seen Scott?" I frown and shake my head, "nope, guessing he ran off" stiles nodded.

"let me guess, you did something dumb probably kept the wolfsbane, Scott freaked out and ran off and now you can't find him." His lip fell apart shocked at my words "did I get it right?" I smirked. He shook his head like he was snapping himself out of a trance.

"Yeah that sounds about right" he scratched the back of his neck, I laugh. I finally take in his appearance, his eyes the same as I knew growing up, he still had a mole on his neck but he's now tall. Not too tall it hurt your neck to look at him but tall enough that I felt like he gave a nice hug.

"Wanna come in? We could watch more walking dead?" I asked, I shocked myself and him to be honest. I don't know what happened to me but since talking with stiles again, it felt like someone wanted to be around me and I want to be around them as well.

"Uhh.. sure" I could tell he was hesitant, he looked back down the road. "Scott will be fine, we have a game tonight so if he doesn't show up tonight then BOTH of us will look for him" I move out the way so stiles could walk in the house. He nodded at my words.

"So where your parents?" He asked, "mums at work, like usual she not home a lot" he frowns at my words but before he would ask anything I carry on talking "and dads probably at the station by now, unless he's leaving derek in their for shit and giggles" stiles nods at my words.

"I don't think I've met your step dad" he said as we moved into the kitchen, "juice?" I ask he nods, "you have, last year at state championships. He was sat talking with your dad" I told him. "Oh right, he was the guy that looked like he wanted to eat me" i tense up at his words,

"Rory you okay?" He notice, I shook my head "yeah I'm good" I lie. He raises a brow at me. "Walking dead?" I ask, he smiles. We both get comfortable on the couch, both on either end and bags of popcorn in the middle of us.


"Sorry I can't make it to your first game little witch" derek voice said through my phone, seems as I was the only girl on the team, the girls locker room was empty so I had my phone on speaker. "It's cool, did dad get you out? Or he leave you in?" I laughed to myself.

"I got him out... eventually had to make him wait for a bit" i chuckle at my dads words, "I got to run, see you at home dad" i quickly hang up as I hear two people enter the room.

Arms are thrown round me and pulled me into a backwards hug, I smile. Once the arms left me I turn to see Ivy, Imogen and Tommy. "You guys came?" I asked, they nodded "could miss your first game" Imogen said, "and I never miss an opportunity to see you one up the boys" Ivy said making all of us laugh.

"Thanks, it's nice to know I have people in the stands rooting for me" Imogen frown "your parents?" She asked. I shook my head "dad want to come but is too busy with der- work" I fixed my words. Quickly looking down that the boy playing with my laces, it made me smile.

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