Chapter 4

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Walking into school, after Ben finally bribes me out of the house, I so know I'm not getting pizza for dinner but I couldn't be bothered to fight with him. The man is a lot stronger then he looks. I hear the bell go for lunch as I walk up the stairs, I pause to see if Ben had driven off. Which for my luck he had.

I turn straight around and make my way into the woods, when my head gets busy or feel to manic, walks in the wood usually help. My witch and wolf  side like to be close to nature.

"Ace?" I turn around to see Imogen, Ivy sister walking in the opposite direction to me. Which means she went to The Hale house.

"Hey Imogen" I wave awkwardly, she raises an eyebrow "aren't you meant to be in school?" She asked. I laugh "playing hooky" I give her an innocent smile.

"Ivy told me about lacrosse! Well done. Your brother would be proud" Imogen says softly. I smile, will people stop bringing up my brother it a real downer to my already broken brain. Imogen knew my brother from school, same class and Imogen was a cheerleader for the basketball team when we had one.

"Did you tell him?" I asked nodding my head in The Hale house direction, "yeah, let's say it didn't go great" I laughed. "I'm going be shout at aren't I?" She nodded.

"I should go, work start soon, you still okay to pick Tom up? " she asked which I nodded back at before walking off. I carry myself the little more to derek house.

"Hey sourwolf, I know your home" I speak at a normal level knowing he could hear me. The door open and out comes derek with a face like thunder. "Wow! You got out of bed on the wrong side" I joke but when I don't even get a smile I know something really wrong.

"Did you know?" His voice sent chill up my back, I winced "maybe" I gave him a sweet smile. "For five years you knew I had a kid and didn't say anything?" He was angry it was understandable.

"She told me not to, she was pissed at you. And to be honest so was I for a while. You left without a goodbye. But I'm sure Tommy would love to meet his dad" I explained to him, he probably had heard all of this from Imogen.

"Who else?"

"My parents know, Ivy knows about the kid but doesn't know your his dad" he nodded.

"So did she say you could meet him?" I asked, wanting to know if Imogen had finally let go of her supposed hatred feeling for derek.

"Nothing for you to worry about" derek snaps, "don't snap at me dickhead! I'm helping your ass" I snap back at him. He quickly pulls me into the house. "Derek I don't want!" He didn't listen.

The house, the same one I have nightmares off, of the screams, or the fire you could see from the basement.

"Derek! I need to go" I push him, and keep pushing until something snaps and I push him back with my magic.

"Don't touch me!" I yell at him as he comes at me again, "blaze, calm down" he uses my nickname hoping to calm me down, my eye glow and I growl at him.

"Fuck off!" With another burst of energy, my magic goes haywire, and derek thrown across the room. With the thud of his body hitting the floor my eyes stop glowing and I realise what I'm doing. "Der, i-im sorry" was all I said before I run out the house.

I run into the woods, not knowing where I was going or what I was doing. My head was spinning. Tree line was full with thick trees and bushes But all of a sudden im on the road near the woods and a blue jeep is stopped infront of me.

I see stiles get out of the jeep and come round, he's yelling I think. His arms flapping around, I can't hear him properly. He looks scared or worried im not sure. My eyes keep moving around. I don't know where I am. How did I get hear, is derek oka-

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