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I was twenty-two, so this year would be my fourth time experiencing the season.

For the past three years, I'd refused to participate, honestly, my own urges scared me. I knew my parents were concerned, I'd lock myself in my room for the entirety of the season and would refuse to come out until it was over.

It was a few weeks before the season officially started and everyone was preparing. Whether it be finding last-minute season partners or stocking up on contraceptives, I on the other hand was purchasing very different items.

I'd already brought enough food to last me the six weeks but after rummaging around in my hidden season box I found it severely lacking.

So here I was, looking online for dildos and anal vibrators that had express shipping on my computer.

My current ones hadn't cut it last year, my first season had been easy to please, I'd been blissed out on the small vibrator or average-sized dildo for the full six weeks. My second season had been a little tougher to manage but my heat had been mostly satisfied, last year though... during the worst throws of heat, I'd had half a mind to jump from my second-story bedroom window just to find a cock to impale me. This year I couldn't risk feeling that way again, I'd just prevented myself smashing the glass with my desk chair, twice.

My parents... well my mother particularly had been trying to convince me to find a heat partner this year, I'll admit I'd come out of heat last season in a right state, my omega wolf had become so distressed and so deep in heat I'd forgotten to look after myself, I ended up spending a few days in the pack hospital due to dehydration, starvation and minor cuts from self-harm, so I can understand my parents worry, but my fears of it happening again were dashed at the mere thought of putting my trust in a beta, let alone an alpha not to neglect my needs, that and I was too mortified to let anyone see the absolute cock-slut I turned into during the season.

I finished purchasing the additions to my season box, hoping they arrived in time, I'd gone for some... larger options this time, hoping it would sate my omega side better than my old toys had. I was lucky I hadn't gone to the pack hospital with a bottle of shower gel up my ass with how desperate I got last year, I had been coherent enough to prevent myself from such unfathomable shame at least.

I closed my laptop with a sigh and spun around in my spiny desk chair, suddenly wondering why my heat-addled brain had thought the piece of hollow plastic would have broken my window in the first place, but then again I was never very lucid during the season, which apparently wasn't normal from what I'd been taught, there was supposed to be reprieves, some even a few days long.

My mother had eagerly informed me it was because I needed a partner to be satisfied and cause the heat to wane, I call bullshit, I bet she's just trying to get me to accept being someone's partner.

I gazed over at my bed, heaps of soft bedding, pillows and such piled up in a neat nest, ready for the start of my heat in a few weeks' time. It was something I couldn't help but do, to my annoyance.

Omegas and female beta's often experienced nesting periods, be it before the season, during or after.

I'd been deep in a nesting period for days, my omega wolf not satisfied until the pile of fabric was perfectly arranged, a mix of textures, fabrics and calming scents.

I could feel that my omega wolf, although happy with our nest, did not deem it absolutely perfect. They thought something was missing, I don't know what.

I'd raided the house in the past few days to my mother's distress. Whatever my omega wolf wanted in our nest it wasn't in the house.

Knocks sounded on my closed bedroom door before it opened moments later, revealing my mother, almost as if my thoughts had willed her to appear.

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