Chapter 2

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Obi-Wan woke up in the middle of the night from a nightmare. His eyes shot opened and his breathing was heavy.

Obi-Wan gently removed his arms from Luna's body, trying not to wake her up. He sat up and put his knees up laying his arms on them.
He lifted his hand up to his face and moved his hair out the way.

He quitly got out of bed and looked down at Luna who was still asleep.
Obi-Wan left the room and headed out of the cave. He sat down at the entrance thinking about what all had happened in the past couple days.

Luna grunted and moved her hand feeling that Obi-Wan wasn't there. Her eye's bolted opened at got nervous something had happened to him.
She lifted the blankets off of her body hopped out of bed and let their room. She turned the corner and saw Obi-Wan sitting outside.
Luna's breath slowed down back to a normal pace.
She took a few steps then stopping.

Obi-Wan heard the footsteps behind him and turned around.

"Luna.. what are you doing up?"

"Well, I woke up and noticed you weren't in bed and it made me worried somthing had happened to you."

"I'm sorry. I promise I won't leave again."

"Thank you."

Luna came closer and sat next to Obi-Wan. She grabbed his hand and interlocks their fingers together.

"Wanna tell me why you left?" Luna questioned. "It's fine if you don't want to."

Obi-Wan did a faint sighed before speaking.
"The images of Anakin on Mustafar, and Padmé's death keeps replying in my mind as nightmares."

"I'm sorry." Luna said putting her head on Obi-Wan's shoulder and letting go of his hand, and laying down on the sand.
She could only imagine how Anakin could've felt seeing her laying in the sand.

Obi-Wan then laid his back down in the sand with Luna taking a deep breath.
Luna scooched over to Obi-Wan.
He lifted up his arm as she scooched over to him.
Obi-Wan put arm back down laying it on Luna's leg.

"The stars sure are beautiful." Luna said looking up at them.

"They are. But not as beautiful as you." Obi-Wan said the kissing Luna on the head.

Luna smiled at Obi-Wan's comment and snuggled into him more.

They stargazed for most the night until Luna shortly fell asleep on the sand next to Obi-Wan.

Obi-Wan moved away and stood up, picking up Luna in his arms, taking her to their room.
Once he got to the room he gently put her on the mat and pulled the blankets up, putting them over her.
Obi-Wan showed a little smile at the beautiful lady he was looking at, he moved his up to her face and moved a few peices of hair out of her face. He then went over to his side of the bed and got under the covers. Obi-Wan scooched over to Luna and gave her a kiss on her cheek
Then he laid his head next to her putting his arm around her stomach.

The next morning Luna woke up first and noticed she was in the cave and not outside like she was when she fell asleep last night.
Luna looked over to the other side and saw Obi-Wan asleep. She rolled over on her side Now facing him.
She lifted her left arm and ran her fingers through Obi-Wan's soft straight hair.

Obi-Wan slowly opened his eyes and rubbed them. His eyes then met with Luna's.

"Good morning sleepy head." Luna said.

"Morning, Luna."

"So, I was thinking, with some of the credits we have left. We should get different clothes so we blend in with the people here, and not get recognized as Jedi."

"Yeah. And um, I was also thinking that I should look for a job to make credits. And we can slowly start saving for baby stuff."

"That's a good idea, since we only have so much time to prepare stuff."

"We still have a long way to go."

"I know but still, it's good to be prepared early than too late."

"I guess your not wrong. But, do you want something to eat before we leave. You haven't eaten since we got here."

"Um sure." Luna nodded her head.

"Ok, I'll come and get you when it's ready." Obi-Wan said the kissing Luna on the cheek.

Obi-Wan got up out of bed and headed to the main area of the cave. He grabbed a bag that a had a little makeshift cooker in it. He untied the bag and pulled the cooker out of it.
Obi-Wan went over to a good sized rock and placed the cooker on it.
The he went to get another bag that had a little bit of food thay he could work with.

Somtime later Luna decided to get out of bed and go check up on Obi-Wan.
She lifted the covers off herself and stood up slowly trying avoid getting dizzy or light headed.
She stretched her body for a moment then heading over to Obi-Wan.

"Smelling good." Luna said giving Obi-Wan a hug.

"I'm glad." Obi-Wan responded, then giving Luna a kiss.

"I'm going to make sure the Eopie is good before we leave."

"Ok, food is almost ready. Be back here in a minute."

"I will."

After breakfast Luna and Obi-Wan put their dishes on a rock and went over to their Eopie.
Obi-Wan helped Luna up then he got up first.
Luna put her arms around Obi-Wan making sure not to fall off.

"I forgot how hot it can get on Tatooine." Luna said.

"I know. That would've been the nice thing to live on Naboo it usually has perfect weather."

"Yeah. Padmé and Anakin were also going to Naboo to raise Luke and Leia there."


"Yep, I was surprised when I found out."

"Did you tell her anything about us and about the baby?"

"Yeah, I did. Cause I knew she could keep it a secret."

"Did Anakin know?"

"I think so. Padmé said her and Anakin had a feeling we were together. I unfortunately never got to tell Anakin about the baby."

I Love Him《Sequel 》(Obi-Wan X Luna Skywalker OC)Where stories live. Discover now