Chapter 5

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Luna woke up rubbing her eyes then sitting up, leaning her back on the wall. She put her hand on her stomach. She was four months pregnant and she was starting to feel the effects of it. She had been feeling queasy and had really bad headaches for the past few days, and she couldn't seem to shake it off.

Obi-Wan rolled the other side noticing that Luna was finally awake. He sat up and scooched over to Luna, putting his arm around her.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" Obi-Wan asked looking concerned.

Luna shook her head, feeling tears prick at the corner of her eyes.

"I don't feel well." She said, her voice trembling. "I'm tired all the time, and I can't seem to keep anything down, I have constant headaches. "

Obi-Wan nodded, looking sympathetic. "It's normal to feel like thst during pregnancy." He said in his gentle voice. "You just need to take it easy and make sure you're comfortable."

Luna nodded, feeling a little better. She rested her head on Obi-Wan's should feeling his warmth and comfort. She closed her eyes and tried to take deep breaths, hoping it would help.

"Let me get you something, I'll be right back."
Obi-Wan got up and went out of their room and got a cold drink for Luna.
He went back to their room and gave Luna the cup. "Here you go. Drink it slowly, it will make you feel better."

Luna took the glass, sipping the water slowly. She felt a little better, but she was still feeling queasy. She put the cup down next to her on the floor.

Obi-Wan sat down next to her again, holding her hand. "Do you want me to make somthing for you?" He asked looking concerned.

Luna shook her head, feeling a little better. "No thanks, I'll be okay." She said, her voice weak. "I just need to rest."

Obi-Wan nodded, looking relieved. "Okay just let me know if you need anything. I'm here for you."

Luna weakly smiled, feeling grateful for Obi-Wan's support. She let go of Obi-Wan's hand and laid her head on his legs.
She closed her eyes and tried taking deep breaths, hoping that would help.

The next few days were spent taking it easy and relaxing. Luna was feeling a little better, but was still feeling queasy. She didn't want to take any chances with the baby, so she continued to rest and take care of herself

Obi-Wan was there for her every step of the way, making sure she was comfortable and had everything she needed. He cooked her meals, brought her drinks and made sure she was feeling good.


One day, Luna woke up feeling better. She sat up and stretched her arms.
Obi-Wan also woke up, looked over to Luna and saw her awake and in a happier mood.

"Good morning." He said, smiling at her. "How are you feeling today?" Obi-Wan questioned, sitting up with Luna.

Luna smiled back, feeling grateful for Obi-Wan's support. "I'm feeling better." She said her voice stronger. "I think I'm starting to get over this morning sickness."

Obi-Wan nodded, looking relieved. "That's great news." He said, his voice filled with happiness. "I'm glad you're feeling better."

"Me too."

"Want some breakfast?"

"Of course."

"Okay, I'll let you know when it' ready." Obi-Wan reached his head over to Luna and pecked her on the cheek.

"Thank you."

Once breakfast was done Luna got up out of bed and headed over to Obi-Wan. He gave her a bowl that had their food in it.
They sat outside at enjoyed their food.

Luna was feeling so grateful for what Obi-Wan has done for her.
She ate slowly, savoring the taste of the food. She felt a little more like herself today, and she was happy about it.

After breakfast, Obi-Wan suggested they take a little walk. Luna agreed. They walked around the deserty planet.
Enjoying the sun and air as best as they could. It wasn't no Naboo with the nice fresh air, humidity, weather, or scenery. But it was better than nothing.

Luna stopped walking, feeling a little dizzy. Obi-Wan stopped aswell looking at her with concern.

"Hey, are you okay?" Obi-Wan questioned, looking worried.

"Yeah, just dizzy. We should head back home.

"Good idea. Let's go."

Hours passed, and Luna felt exhausted. She headed to bed with Obi-Wan following behind.
They got under the cover and scooched over to each other.

"Thank you for uh, for being there for me." Luna thanked Obi-Wan.

Obi-Wan smiled at her. "Of course." He said with his voice filled with kindness. "I'll always be here for you."

Luna smiled back, feeling grateful for his support. She knew she wasn't alone, and she was grateful for that.

(Sorry it takes me a while to post these chapters. I had them pre written but I forget to post a chapter sometimes. Sorry about that. Also sorry if this fanfic isn't to good. I'm not the best at writing.)

I Love Him《Sequel 》(Obi-Wan X Luna Skywalker OC)Where stories live. Discover now