~chapter 1~

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As the days turned into weeks, and the weeks stretched into months, a year had quietly slipped away since my arrival in this unfamiliar locale that had come to be known as King's Landing. Within the confines of this city, I had found solace and shelter under the watchful eye of Agnes, the woman whose selflessness had rescued me from the depths of uncertainty. From that fateful day forward, she had become my steadfast guardian, nurturing and safeguarding me with unwavering dedication.

Yet, despite the passage of time, the intricacies of this place remained an enigma, an intricate puzzle that eluded complete comprehension. The rhythms of King's Landing, with its bustling streets and vibrant markets, still perplexed me. I often felt like an outsider in this labyrinthine realm, struggling to find my place within its intricately woven tapestry.

However, I owed a debt of gratitude to Agnes, for she had bestowed upon me the invaluable gift of adaptation. Through her patient guidance, I had gradually learned to navigate the labyrinthine alleys, to decipher the unwritten codes of conduct that governed social interactions in this foreign land. Agnes had instilled in me a sense of resilience, teaching me the art of blending in, of assimilating just enough to avoid drawing undue attention.

With each passing day, I chipped away at the walls of my own hesitation, finding my footing in the unfamiliar customs and norms that defined life within King's Landing. The once-overwhelming cityscape slowly revealed its hidden contours, becoming less intimidating and more navigable. I observed the locals, their subtle gestures, and nuanced behaviors, taking cues to emulate their ways as I sought to forge my own space within the fabric of this bustling community.

''Natasha, dinner is ready.'' As Agnes' voice echoed through the still evening air, beckoning me to join her for dinner, I momentarily paused my interaction with Thunder, the magnificent horse that had become a part of our daily lives. His presence in the stable, tucked away behind Agnes' humble cabin, had been a revelation. ''I'll be right there.'' I said back to her. With one last stroke of Thunder's silky mane, I reluctantly released my grip on the apple, placing it gently within his reach. His large, intelligent eyes met mine, expressing gratitude in their depths. I couldn't help but smile at the creature.

I stepped into the familiar confines of the cabin, a respite from the outside world that always greeted me with the comforting scent of a freshly cooked meal

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I stepped into the familiar confines of the cabin, a respite from the outside world that always greeted me with the comforting scent of a freshly cooked meal. Agnes, seated at the worn wooden table, looked up and acknowledged my presence with a warm smile ''Come, I made you a plate''. Her weathered hands beckoned me to join her, indicating the plate of food placed enticingly across from her.

Easing into the chair, I reached for the spoon, its cool metal meeting my grasp. Raising it to my lips, I tasted the concoction before me-a humble serving of Rancid Meat Stew. It was far from the delicacies I had grown accustomed to, yet in this new reality, sustenance took precedence over personal preferences. With each mouthful, I reminded myself of the necessity to nourish my body, fueling it for the challenges that lay ahead.

My little Dragon {Natasha x Daenerys}Where stories live. Discover now