~Chapter 3~

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As the first rays of the sun filtered through the window, their warm tendrils caressed my face, coaxing me reluctantly from the depths of sleep. A soft groan escaped my lips, a testament to the fatigue that still lingered within me. With a begrudging acceptance, I blinked my eyes open, reluctantly bidding farewell to the solace of dreams. Sitting up in the bed, I leaned back against the comforting embrace of the headboard, allowing a tired sigh to escape my lips. The room was bathed in a gentle morning glow, casting a soft aura of tranquility upon the space. Yet, despite the serene ambiance, a trace of annoyance lingered in my weary bones, a testament to the restless night.

Casting my gaze downward, I surveyed the contours of my body, still adorned in the same attire from the previous day. The familiar fabric of my suit clung to my form. As the last vestiges of sleep faded, replaced by a renewed determination, I pushed back the covers and swung my legs over the edge of the bed. Stretching my limbs, I allowed the weariness to dissipate, replaced by a sense of resolve that coursed through my veins.

I crossed the room, my steps purposeful yet unhurried, until I reached the door mere paces away from the bed. With a firm grip, I twisted the ornate handle, feeling the mechanism yield to my touch, and the door swung open, revealing a sanctuary of solitude. It was the bathroom. As I stepped inside, the old wooden door closed behind me with a gentle click, shutting out the outside world and cocooning me within the confines of this private retreat. My eyes scanned the room, taking in its simple yet inviting features. In the center stood a small, circular tub.

Eager to shed the remnants of the previous day, I began to disrobe, allowing the fabric of my suit to slip from my shoulders and fall in a neat pile on the wooden floor of the boat. With a subtle grace, I removed my undergarments, casting them aside, and stood bare before the tub. The scent of fragrant oil filled the air, its alluring notes intermingling with the steam that rose from the water below. Taking a moment to appreciate the sight before me, I reached for the small vial of scented oil, its contents promising relaxation and serenity. With a deft hand, I poured a generous amount into the waiting water, watching as the liquid spiraled and dispersed, infusing the bath with its aromatic essence. The room filled with the gentle perfume, creating an ambiance of indulgence.

Carefully, I lowered myself into the tub, feeling the hot almost boiling water envelop my body, embracing every inch of my being. The water caressed my skin, tenderly washing away the fatigue and sweat that had accumulated throughout the day. I leaned back, allowing the smooth surface of the tub to cradle my head, supporting me in a state of sublime relaxation. In this moment of solitude, the outside world faded into insignificance, eclipsed by the blissful tranquility that enveloped me. The cares and stresses of the day melted away, replaced by a profound sense of peace.

Adjacent to the tub, a soft cloth lay waiting, poised for its purpose. I reached for it, the fabric cool against my fingertips, and immersed it into the water, soaking it until it became saturated. With deliberate motions, I raised the cloth to my arms, tracing its dampened surface along the contours of my skin. The water cascaded down my arms and neck, an ephemeral stream that dissipated into the depths of the tub.

Methodically, I continued the ritual, gently scrubbing away the remnants of the day from my body. The cloth moved with a soothing rhythm, each stroke a symphony of cleansing. I paid meticulous attention to my arms, ensuring that every inch was tended to, and then turned my focus to my back, the texture of the cloth stimulating my senses.

Immersed in the warmth of the water, I remained seated in the tub, allowing time to pass in a leisurely dance. The minutes ticked by, the comforting embrace of the water gradually cooling as it mingled with the ambient air. Twenty minutes elapsed, a pocket of time where the world held its breath, and I rose from the water, a phantom of droplets clinging to my skin.

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