~Chapter 4~

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Natasha's pov:

It has been more than a week since I had a conversation with the captain, who informed me that we were just a few minutes away from Essos. I was in the midst of preparing Thunder for our departure, placing his saddle on his back and adjusting his reins. When he was fully equipped, I untied the rope that had kept him secure to the post. Tenderly stroking his head, I rewarded him with a handful of apples, graciously provided by the captain two days after we had embarked on the ship.

A few minutes whisked by when the captain materialized from behind me, his presence didn't truly startle me, as I had anticipated his approach, a perk of my former life as a spy and ex-assassin. "Miss Margaret, we have reached our destination," he conveyed to me. "Thank you, captain," I responded, accompanied by a feigned smile. My body and face remained concealed beneath a black cloak, and I had altered my hairstyle yesterday, using a pair of scissors I had discovered in one of the ship's rooms. Now, my hair was considerably shorter than it had been a few days ago, an intentional choice to facilitate ease of combat and plus I needed a new style.

 Now, my hair was considerably shorter than it had been a few days ago, an intentional choice to facilitate ease of combat and plus I needed a new style

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The ship jolted to a halt, emitting a resonating thud as it made contact with the port

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The ship jolted to a halt, emitting a resonating thud as it made contact with the port. Simultaneously, the gangway descended, connecting the vessel to the solid ground. Taking a moment to ensure I had all my belongings, I glanced at my bag, which contained apples for Thunder, along with some dried squid generously offered by the captain during our voyage. Before disembarking, I approached the captain, halting in front of him. "What can I assist you with, Miss Margaret?" he inquired. "By any chance, do you know of someone named Daenerys Targaryen?" I inquired, urgently seeking information about her current whereabouts or potential destinations. The captain's eyes widened, and he cautiously surveyed the surroundings before responding in a hushed tone, "All I know is that she was last seen in Yunkai. It appears Khal Drogo has passed away maybe a year ago now or two, and she now commands his army along with the Unsullied, stationed there." he informed me. "Do you have any knowledge of how long she has been there?" I pressed. "She has been in Yunkai for at least a week or two, as far as I know. I've also heard rumors that she might be heading to Meereen," he disclosed. I nodded, acknowledging his input. "Thank you, captain. Have a pleasant day," I expressed my gratitude before disembarking the ship. Stepping onto the port, an overwhelming aroma of fish infiltrated my senses, causing my nose to scrunch up and my eyebrows to furrow in distaste. The pungent odor lingered in the air.

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