~Chapter 6~

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The Queen's most trusted advisor and the dwarf companion sat together in solemn silence on the steps of the Queen's grand throne room. It was the dwarf who eventually broke the hushed stillness, addressing the Mormont knight with a poignant question. "You harbor affection for her, do you not?" he inquired. "It's only natural. Unfortunately, the situation seems utterly futile for both of you," Tyrion remarked, alluding to the knight's unrequited love and the soldier who had recently joined their ranks. The soldier had long admired the queen from a distance, his admiration having blossomed into a profound affection.

"A soldier who recently joined our army, a disgraced knight. Neither one of you is a suitable consort for a queen," Tyrion asserted firmly. Both men raised their gazes, acknowledging his words. "But we always find ourselves drawn to the wrong women," he continued, his gaze drifting into the distance. "Does he always have such a propensity for verbosity?" inquired Milo, the soldier, turning to the knight. The knight simply nodded in response.

Suddenly, footsteps resonated from the throne room entrance. Missandei and Grey worm emerged into view, the latter donning a bandage wrapped around his torso, while Missandei supported him by the arm. "Jorah the Andal," Grey worm stated. "Torgo Nudho," the knight replied giving the Unsullied soldier a nod. ''He shouldn't be here.'' Grey worm looked up at Tyrion. ''No, but he is.'' Tyrion spoke up ''Our queen ordered him exiled from city.''

"Our queen would be dead if not for him," Milo chimed in. Missandei glanced at Grey worm and conversed with him in high Valyrian.''It's true. And I would be dead if not for the...'' She paused and glanced up at Tyrion, who returned her gaze. ''little man.'' she smiled gently at him ''Dwarf. I believe that's the word. Apologies. My Valyrian is a bit nostril.'' Tyrion replied back in the same language ''A bit rusty.'' she corrected him. ''Thank you.'' he expressed his gratitude. ''I am sorry. Sorry I not there to fight for our queen.'' Grey worm lamented, looking down. "You missed a good scrap," Milo added. "None of that matters now. The longer we linger here, engaged in banter, the longer Daenerys is out there in the wilderness. Also, has anyone seen the cloaked person who fought alongside us?" Jorah rose to his feet. "He's right. The dragon headed north. If we're going to find her, that's where we'll have to go. And what do you mean by 'cloak person'?" Tyrion inquired, now standing as well. "We? You're a Lannister. The queen intends to remove your family from power, also the cloak person was protecting the queen then they disappeared right after she left which makes me believe she followed after her." Jorah pointed out, emphasizing the division between them but also telling them where the person could have gone.

"And I intend to help her do it," Tyrion declared, descending the steps slowly. "You've been here for how many days now? I've fought for her for years, since she was little more than a child," Jorah gazed up at the Dwarf. "You betrayed her," Tyrion shouted, his voice filled with accusation. "Careful now," Jorah cautioned, tilting his head.

"And she exiled you. Twice, I believe," the little man turned his gaze towards Milo before snapping his eyes back at the knight. "The second time, thanks to you," Jorah argued. "Don't blame me for your crimes, Mormont," the short man responded with a louder voice. "He's right. Our queen exiled Jorah. And he's right. Jorah saved her life, along with the cloaked person who is possibly following the queen as we speak," Milo interjected, standing up and placing himself between the two, maintaining eye contact throughout his speech. "Perhaps she feels differently about him now. Perhaps not. The only way we'll know is if we ask her," Milo addressed Jorah while speaking.

"Fine, fine. I suppose he can join us, just as long as he promises not to kill me in my sleep," Tyrion chimed in, placing his hands on his waist. "If I ever kill you, your eyes will be wide open," Jorah countered. "Forgive me, but why would we bring you?" Milo questioned the Dwarf. "Pardon me?" Tyrion replied, slightly taken aback. "Have you ever tracked animals in the wilderness?" Milo asked the little man. "Not precisely, but I have other skills that would be useful," Tyrion responded before Milo interrupted him.

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