~Chapter 2~

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The kingdom of King's Landing lay four hours' ride behind Thunder and me, as we ventured deeper into a forest. Sensing the growing distance between us and the bustling kingdom, I decided to signal Thunder to slow down our pace. Guiding Thunder to a stop, I dismounted gracefully, holding onto his reins to ensure his safety. We found ourselves amidst a picturesque grove within the forest, with rays of sunlight filtering through the emerald canopy above. It was a serene and secluded spot, seemingly untouched by the world outside.

I approached a tree, its ancient roots intertwining with the fertile earth. Leaning against the tree's sturdy trunk, I tied Thunder's reins securely around one of its branches. This would provide him with ample grazing space, allowing him to nibble on the tender grasses that carpeted the forest floor.

''I'll be right back, I'm just going to look for water and food.'' Whispering reassuring words to Thunder, I gently stroked his noble head, eliciting a joyous "Neigh" from him. With a heartfelt smile, I took a step back, entrusting Thunder's contentment to the embrace of nature, while I set out on my quest for sustenance. Leaving Thunder behind temporarily, I ventured further into the forest, my senses in high alert. Each step brought me closer to the melody of a nearby stream, its crystal-clear waters beckoning me. Following the soothing sound, I arrived at the water's edge, where delicate wildflowers danced in harmony with the gentle breeze.

Walking closer, I cupped my hands, I scooped the refreshing liquid, quenching my thirst and rejuvenating my spirit. The water, cool and invigorating, revitalized my senses, washing away the fatigue of the journey. Feeling reinvigorated, I decided to explore further, searching for sustenance to sustain us during our sojourn. My keen eyes detected clusters of wild berries, their vibrant hues enticing me with their promise of flavor and nourishment. Carefully plucking the ripest ones, I filled a small pouch, ensuring a delectable treat for both Thunder and myself further into our journey ahead.

With my bounty secured, I retraced my steps, making my way back to Thunder. As I approached, his eyes lit up with anticipation, recognizing my return. I unwrapped the reines from the tree, I led him over to the stream of crystal clear water. He immediately leaned his neck down and started drinking, I could imagine how thirsty he was, he has been running for hours. I then walked him offer to where I found the berries. Offering him a handful of juicy berries, I reveled in his delighted nibbles.

As I glanced over my shoulder at the tranquil waters, thoughts of cleansing my battle-stained countenance flooded my mind. The blood of the fallen guards still adorned my face, a visceral reminder of the violence that had transpired. Determined to rid myself of this gruesome reminder, I resolved to immerse myself in the rejuvenating embrace of the water. I approached a nearby tree, expertly securing Thunder's reins around its sturdy trunk. Ensuring his proximity to the ripe berries, I ensured his comfort during my momentary absence. It was time to shed my suit from my body and garments, unveiling the raw essence of my being.

Removing my cloak and garments, I stood before the waters in all my unadorned glory. My hair, previously braided and confined, was released from its confinement, cascading down my back like a river of ginger silk. The gentle breeze played with the tendrils, as if whispering secrets known only to the ancient woods. With a hesitant step, I descended into the waters, allowing their refreshing coolness to envelop my form. The liquid embraced me, like a lover's embrace, soothing both body and soul. Gradually, the water consumed me, embracing me with its gentle currents, its touch caressing away the remnants of battle, and washing away the visible remnants of my recent encounter a few hours ago.

Submerged in the ethereal depths, I surrendered to the water's tender care, feeling the red stain on my face dissolve into oblivion. The water, a benevolent force, swirled around me, purifying my visage with every passing moment.

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