Chapter 8

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I thought, "Why not give this story an update?" It's been quite a while since my last post (Not really, I mean that this story is behind), and some new ideas have been brewing for it. Additionally, if any of you have requests for Natasha or Scarlett images, please feel free to send me a private message. This week, I'm planning to focus on my writing projects, reserving the weekend for the Scarlett/Natasha images book.


3rd pov:

Natasha reclined on the ground just behind the imposing boulder where she had assured the Queen she would be. She twisted and turned fitfully in her slumber, a habit she had acquired due to the recurring nightmares that plagued her. However, this time, it wasn't a typical nightmare; it felt more like a message. Her brows furrowed as a string of words slipped from her lips, but these were no ordinary words; they formed a name she repeated insistently, "Ultima..."

Abruptly, Natasha awoke with a startled gasp, her hand instinctively finding its place over her racing heart. Deep within her being, the flame-haired assassin sensed an irresistible pull, drawing her towards something, or rather, someone. Driven by her unquenchable curiosity, Natasha resolved to follow this inexplicable force. She mounted her trusty steed, Thunder, and gently urged him forward with a tap to his side, signaling him to gallop.

Leaving the camp behind, Natasha ventured forth, the stillness of the night indicating that several hours had elapsed since her audience with the Queen. Thunder brought her closer to a cavern, its weathered exterior suggesting it might crumble at the slightest disturbance. Natasha dismounted after halting Thunder and tethered him securely to a nearby tree. She gazed intently at the cave; the magnetic pull grew stronger the nearer she approached. With a steadying breath, Natasha stepped into the cavern's dark maw.

Everywhere she turned, nothing but rocks met her gaze. The cave stretched deep into the earth, its inky darkness making it nearly impossible for her to discern her path; she stumbled over uneven terrain. Raising her right hand, she activated her Widow's Bite, casting a faint glow ahead of her. Her heightened senses, always at their peak, guided the assassin deeper into the cave. There was an inexplicable sense of déjà vu, as if she had been here before, although the memories remained elusive.

Suddenly, Natasha came to an abrupt halt when the rock beneath her foot shifted unexpectedly. She had been certain of her careful steps, considering the cave's age, which spanned several centuries. However, without warning, the cave floor crumbled beneath her, and she plummeted downward. With a forceful thud, the assassin's body collided with the ground upon landing.

"Shit," Natasha grumbled, her hand rubbing her aching back.

Natasha lay still for a moment, collecting her breath and assessing her surroundings. She had fallen into a dimly lit chamber, and as her eyes adjusted to the feeble light, she noticed a peculiar sight that made her forget her aching back for a moment.

In the center of the chamber, bathed in an eerie purple radiance, rested an egg unlike anything she had ever seen before. It was a striking shade of deep purple, glistening with iridescent patterns that danced across its surface as if it were alive. The egg was large, almost the size of a football, and it seemed to pulse with a faint, otherworldly energy.

Carefully, Natasha pushed herself up and limped over to the egg. Her curiosity overwhelmed her pain as she knelt down and extended a cautious hand to touch it. The egg was surprisingly warm to the touch, her fingers brushed its warm and hard surface.

The memories of the cave, the fall, and her aching back faded into the background as Natasha became mesmerized by the enigmatic egg before her. At that moment, Natasha realized that the inexplicable pull within her chest had ceased. It didn't take her long to deduce that this pull was somehow linked to the enigmatic egg she now held in her arms. However, what escaped her notice was the subtle transformation of her eyes; they shifted from their usual deep forest green to a faint, ethereal shade of purple before returning to their natural color.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2023 ⏰

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