chapter 5 [a dangerous place]

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(warning this story contains mentions of death, safe harm, swearing and torture)

|Bonnie's pov|
•its been a day since I had Ophelia set those coordinates for the planet, she said it would take at least 2 to 3 days at most to get too. We're lowered on food... hopefully this planet has a source of food we can take with us...•

'bonnie walked to the main room we're keori, keeva, foxy and glub glub were'

Bonnie:"hey guys, what are you guys doing?"

Keeva:"just helping keori a bit.."

Glub glub:"I'm drawing with foxy.."

Bonnie:"that's good toby.. Ophelia says we should be getting to the planet in 2 to 3 days."

Keeva:"then we should start getting protective suits and gear ready.. just in case the planet isn't entirely safe to walk on"

Foxy:"ill see if kat can do some research on the planet to see what we might need"

Bonnie:"good idea.. I'm going to check on illoha and see what type of plan we can come up with..."

'bonnie walked out of the main room and to the medbay'

'bonnie knocked on the door and walked into the medbay'

Bonnie:"hey illoha" ' he said as he closed the door behind him'

Illoha:" hey Bonnie, you need something?"

Bonnie:"I need your help coming up with a plan for when we get to the planet.. Ophelia said we should be there in 2 to 3 days and I don't exactly know what we're going to do when we get there.."

Illoha:"do you know anything about the planet we're going to?

Bonnie:"foxy told me he'd ask kat if she knew anything about the planet"

Illoha:"try to see what you can't find out about the planet.. depending on what is on the planet it could tell us what we'll need and whether or not we'll be able to explore it"

Bonnie:"that's... Why didn't I think of that..?"

'they both stayed quiet for a few seconds'

Bonnie:"I'm going to go see what kat knows about the planet"

Illoha:"ok, ill see you later. let me know if we're going to need any medical supplies"

Bonnie:"got it..."

'bonnie walked out of the medbay and towards the stairs to were kat was'

'when he got there foxy and kat were looking for information on the planet'

Bonnie:"hey foxy, hey kat"

Foxy:"hey Bonnie"

Kat:"hello Bonnie.."

Bonnie:"have you found any information on the planet yet..?"

Kat:"yes, we are going to need weapons and maybe safe suits"

Foxy:"the planet we're going to has some dangerous things on it, plus, there are creatures there that aren't friendly to anyone they see and will most definitely kill you if it sees you"

Bonnie:"that's good to know, ill have keeva and kip get some stuff ready for when we get there"

Kat:"we were able to find information on one creature called unknown. It's not very easy to kill and only has one thing that can kill it in it's whole planet, at least from what the description says."

Bonnie:"we do need more food and supplies tho, we might have to go anyways and just hope we don't see it... Or.. hope it doesn't see us."

Foxy:"ill go with you just in case something happens and you can't defend yourself"

Kat:"I recommend getting as much weapons and medical supplies as you can if your going down there and your going to bring someone that isn't an animatronic"

Bonnie:"ill just have me and foxy go.. I don't want anyone here getting hurt or dying"

Foxy:"that will be good for everyone here.. let's just try not to bring back any unwanted visitors without knowing"

'bonnie walked towards the stairs'

Bonnie:"ill go have keeva and kip start getting everything ready. I'll check on you guys later"

Foxy:"got it"

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