Chapter 2 - Cake (Thursday night into Friday morning) 🔥🔞

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🔞🔥CAUTION: This chapter contains spicy, NSFW content. If you do not enjoy content such as gay, man-on-man sexual contact STOP READING. Go back and read the fluffy version of this story that I have available!

"Hey, babe!" I hear my husband sing out as he enters the room, holding two bottles. "I thought you might be thirsty." He hands me a water, giving me his million dollar smile. We have been together since college and he still makes my heart race.

"Thanks, babe," I take the bottle and grin up at him from my desk chair. "You always take such good care of me." I twist open the bottle and take a long swig; partly because I'm thirsty and partly because I know he likes to watch me do that.

"So," Mint raises his thick eyebrows and smirks. "Does this mean that you are finally done with this and ready to take care of me?" He takes a sip of his own water and carelessly wipes his chin with his forearm.

"Come on, babe! You know this is important!" I throw my head back in frustration and gesture back at the computer screen. "I don't know how this can be happening. Our whole lives...How can this be happening?

"I know," Mint whines. "But you've been at this for hours already. Why don't you give it a rest for tonight?" He bends down and wraps his arms around my shoulders and buries his face in my neck. "You don't have to fix this right now."

I groan and rub my eyes with the palms of my hands. My eyes sting from staring at the computer screen for too long. I'm working on payroll and working on supply orders for next month but funds are low. I'm trying to figure out where to make some cuts.

"I know, I know. I know you're right." I turn to face him and give him a light kiss on his sharp nose. "I'm just so worried. I can't help it! I can't believe this is happening. We have never faced a budget issue like this before. Our bar is the same. We haven't changed anything. It's like people just stopped coming. I just wish I knew what to do to fix it!"

"It's that stupid Lost Boy, that new bar that moved in down the street. I hate that bar!" Mint pouts and then gives me a reassuring kiss on the lips. My heart melts.

"No, no, no. Let's not be like that. There's always room for another gay bar on Homo Hill." I sigh again and shake my head. "Let's not begrudge them for simply being...better than us."

"Cake!" Mint cups my face in his hands. "They are NOT better than us! They're just what's shiny and new right now. Ice Cream Bar is an institution in this neighborhood!" He leans forward to kiss me again. "The gays are a loyal people. They'll be over that corny bar in a few months and come back to daddy." I chuckle and Mint continues, "WE'LL figure it out. You don't have to do this alone."

How did I get so lucky? I let myself get lost in his dark eyes for a moment. "God, I love you. I do not deserve you." I lean over and close my laptop and swivel the chair around so I am facing him. He's right. I need to take a break from this for now. The bar isn't going to close tomorrow. I have some time to think of something.

"Well come on then and show me how much you love me," Mint says slyly, climbing into my lap, facing me. He leans close. He is warm and soft and feels like home. "I can tell you need a break," he breathes into my ear and nips at my earlobe. "Let me help take your mind off this." He turns his head and flicks my other earlobe with his tongue.

"Mmmm," I hum. I move my head to catch his mouth with mine. I wrap my arms around him and kiss him deeply. All these years and I am still obsessed with kissing him. I hear him sigh contentedly into the kiss. But I don't want to hear him sigh anymore. I want to hear him moan.

Without breaking our kissing, I grab his waist with my hands to hold him down and start to grind my hips up into his. His breath hitches and he makes a tiny sound but it's not enough for me. I break our kiss only so I can start planting kisses down the side of his face to his neck. I find the soft spot right at the base of the neck, just above the clavicle, and start to suck. Mint lets out a whimper of surprise and claws at my shoulder. He starts to frantically grind his hips down on me. He's so hard already but still not moaning yet.

I move my mouth back to his to continue our intense kissing. I wrap my arms around his legs, cupping his bottom. Mint gives an adorable squeal as I stand up from the chair and carry him to the office couch. I lay him gently down on his back and hover over him to look down at his exquisite features. We have done this so many times and yet it never gets old. Every kiss feels like the first kiss. Every touch makes my heart flutter.

I tear my t-shirt off. "Fuck, Cake," Mint groans. He looks up at me with a gleam in his dark eyes. "How are you so hot? How do you actually get hotter every year?" He reaches out to touch my abs. I can't help but beam. A relationship does not simply survive on love alone; it thrives when work is put into it. And I make sure to put work into my body to help keep my husband attracted to me. I'm glad that he notices.

I growl and lean back down to meet his mouth again. I'm pressing down on him. Every part of me touches every part of him but it still feels like I can't get close enough. I need more of him.

I draw back so I can pull his t-shirt over his head. I pause to admire his beauty, tracing my fingers up and down his sternum. This time it's Mint who sits up to wrap his arms around me and pull me back down to our kiss. His erection is jabbing into mine, and he's breathing these delightful, needy whines into my ear. I break the kiss to shift and catch one of his nipples in mouth and the other between my index finger and thumb.

"Cake," he whimpers. "Stop teasing."

"Teasing?" I look up and give him a devious grin. "How am I teasing? Is there something else you want?"

Mint's eyes sparkle up at me. "You know what I want."

"Say it." I growl into his neck.

"Fuck me," he whispers in my ear.

I pull back and look deep into his eyes. "Say it again." He cups my face and brings it close to his.

"Fuck me," he says a little louder and with more urgency this time.

"Say it again."

Mint puts his forehead to mine and reaches up to palm my erection through my gym shorts. He strokes me with each syllable "Fuck. Me." I shudder and groan.

In almost one fluid motion, I slip Mint out of his joggers and step out of my shorts. "Then turn around and bend yourself over this couch like daddy likes."

A couple hours later, Mint is wrapped around me, snoring softly but I am still lying in bed wide awake. I know I should be enjoying our post-coitous bliss with Mint but I still feel a gnawing anxiousness about the business. Our bar is everything. It is how we built a new life for ourselves here in South Korea. We have always done well financially. I've never seen our numbers dwindle so closely to the red before. I put a pillow over my face and sigh into it.

My mind keeps replaying what Mint had said earlier about the shine of the new Lost Boy bar wearing off in a few months. We just need to hold out for a few more months and our faithful customers will come back. Right? But the fear that keeps nagging me is that, at this rate, I'm not sure Ice Cream Bar will still be around in a few months.

Ice Cream Bar, Book 1: Keep Lucky (🔥🔞 Spicy Version)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora