Chapter 13 - Mint (Sunday) 🔞🔥

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🔥A/N - I just feel like I should put an additional warning here. This chapter is extra spicy. No trigger warning type stuff, I don't think. I feel like Cake and Mint deserve the spiciest scenes because they have been together the longest 😉😏 Also, I don't even know how I'll make a fluffy version of this chapter for the alternative version of this book 😵

"So does he not realize that we can all see him just running over to the building next door right now?" I ask Cake and Keep as we watch JiHoon scuttle away. The two of them just chuckle and shake their heads. "I mean, we all know he's going straight to ChaMin right now. Why is he being weird about it?"

Cake rolls his eyes. "You know he's a self-declared eternal bachelor because of his...", he wiggles his fingers to make air quotes ,"traumatic first love."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa,'' Keep interjects. "I have to stick up for my friend here. That guy was really fucked up!" He holds up his fingers to start counting. "It was JiHoon's first relationship with a man since he had come out. He had just been kicked out of his house. And that guy totally took advantage of JiHoon. He had a serious gambling issue. He stole from JiHoon! He tried to get him to sleep with his boss to pay back a debt he owed!"

"No, you're right, that guy was a psycho," Cake agrees. "But it's been years now. JiHoon should recognize how much he's grown since then. And ChaMin is obviously not some douchebag who's trying to control and abuse him. ChaMin is basically JiHoon from a few years ago. He's innocent and sweet. And it's obvious that he's crazy about JiHoon and JiHoon is breaking his heart by stringing him along like this."

"Is he stringing ChaMin along?" Keep asks in surprise.

"They go to Taekwondo together pretty regularly now." I point out. "JiHoon is always checking in on ChaMin at work. He brings him food and drinks all the time during his shift. And didn't he try to save him from some alleyway hoodlum the other night? Like, what is his goal here? Anyone would start to develop feelings for someone who is treating them like that. JiHoon wants to spend time with ChaMin and protect him but he won't date him? It doesn't make sense and it's going to become a problem."

"You're right," Keep concedes. "I'll talk to him tonight about it."

Cake suddenly claps his hands and starts to rub them together nervously. I place my hands over his and give him a calm smile. I know he is already back to worrying about the future of the bar.

"These are good ideas," I assure him with a kiss on the head. "The bar is going to be okay."

Keep nods vigorously in agreement. "For the first time in a long time, I have a really good feeling about what's coming. I'm usually just anxious about everything. But right now, I feel calm and confident. I know that JiHoon feels the same way. I know that all of our work family is committed to saving the bar. Hell, we can ask them if any of them have any MORE ideas. We will try ALL of the ideas!"

I wrap my arms around Cake and give him another quick kiss on the cheek. "See? You're not alone. You don't have to try to fix this by yourself. We are all going to help. It's going to be okay."

I feel Cake start to relax in my arms. He nods slightly and gives a small smile. I give him another squeeze.

"Alright, I'm going to go talk to Lucky," says Keep, his face slightly flushed and his left hand reaching across his chest to scratch his right arm. I grin because I realize he is nervous at the thought of talking to Lucky. "I'm sure JiHoon has already talked to ChaMin and ChaMin has already talked to Lucky so I'll connect with Lucky and let you guys know what their thoughts are so you can plan a next step."

I can't help but smile broadly and when I look at Cake I see that his optimism matches my own. We each extend an arm to wrap Keep in a hug between us.

"Thank you," Cake whispers.

Ice Cream Bar, Book 1: Keep Lucky (🔥🔞 Spicy Version)Where stories live. Discover now