Chapter 11 - Keep (Saturday night into early Sunday morning) 🔥🔞

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As I step out of the shower and reach for a towel, I hear loud music playing from outside. I roll my eyes as I wrap a towel around my waist. I know the bar is closed because I helped close it. That means that that ridiculously loud melody is coming from someone's house. I grab a second towel and start drying my hair. I'm curious. The music sounds close by. No way...Is it coming from one of the Cake and Mint's apartments? I'm not in the mood for this. I need sleep.

I throw on a pair of sweats and a white tee and decide to investigate. I'm exhausted and really should be going to bed right now but for some reason I'm feeling drawn to the music. Is that Sam Smith again? Why is Sam Smith always playing while weird stuff happens lately?

I push through the door that takes me to my rooftop. I think I'll be able to tell better where the music is coming from if I'm outside. I take a look around and it doesn't take long for me to discover the source of the blaring beats at three o'clock in the morning. My eyes bug out and my jaw hits the floor.

It's Lucky and ChaMin. They are dancing and singing and laughing like crazy on the roof of the building next door. They were completely oblivious to the rest of the world. What is happening? I know that ChaMin lives in that building but weren't they supposed to go to Lucky's place? No way...does Lucky live over there, too? Does he live directly across from me?

I can't help but chuckle because it looks like they are having a blast. Lucky looks so relaxed. Gone are his nervous fidgets and puppy dog eyes. He's throwing his head back in uproarious laughter. His body is moving effortlessly rhythmically to the music. He's full of joy. He's beautiful.

I squeeze my eyes shut and give my head a shake when I realize that I'm staring at them like some kind of stalker. Should I say something? Should I just go back inside and not say anything? Why do I feel so awkward about this?

I decide I should say something because if I don't it will mean that I feel uncomfortable and why should I feel uncomfortable? We're all friends, right? I finally shout over, like the poet that I am.

"Oi!" To make matters even more embarrassing, they don't even hear me the first time. So I have to yell again, louder this time: "OI!"

The young men look over in surprise. Lucky puts a hand over his mouth in surprise and puts the hand holding his beer behind his back as if he's hiding it from somebody. Is he embarrassed to be seen drinking? But ChaMin waves over excitedly.

"Come over! Come over!" He shouts in drunken glee. Lucky is slapping his arm and shushing him. "We're so close, you could just jump over to us!"

To be fair, they are very close. This city is so crowded that these buildings are so damn close together. But then I look down at the alleyway below us and shudder. It's less than ten feet apart but three stories down and that's still too intimidating for me. I wave them away and shake my head.

"Quiet down and go to bed boys!" I call over dismissively.

ChaMin cups his hands around his mouth and yells, "Boo!" and then gives me a thumbs down. He's still laughing hysterically. Lucky's still trying to push his hands down and cover his mouth. He finally puts both arms around ChaMin's waist and starts to pull him away from the ledge of the building.

"Hey!" I hear myself shouting. "Is that your apartment?" What am I doing? Why am I asking that when it's not my business?

"It's Lucky's!" ChaMin shouts, struggling against Lucky who's still trying to yank him back towards the door back into the building. "Good news for you! He's right across from you!" Lucky's jaw drops and he starts swatting at ChaMin again. It's adorable.

"Go to bed!" I holler again. "Go inside and go to bed!" The two of them turn and run back into the apartment, howling wildly. I can't help but laugh. The music stops abruptly and I hear their door slam shut. Kids having fun. I shouldn't have been such a grump about it in the first place. I realize I'm smiling so hard that my face is starting to hurt. I rub my jaw, take a deep breath, and exhale slowly. I turn and head back into my own apartment.

I head directly to my bedroom and flop down onto the bed. I place a hand on my chest. I can feel a rapid thumping against my sternum. Fifteen minutes ago, I was so exhausted that I could barely stand in the shower but now I'm lying in bed with eyes wide open and heart racing. What's this?

I'm surprised and embarrassed to realize that my mind is wandering to thoughts of Lucky; his face, his hands, his voice. I'm wondering what it would feel like to run my hands through his hair, to hold him close, to feel his body pressed against mine and his breath on my face. I shudder again.

"Get that boy out of your head," I scold myself. "You don't have time for this. You have work and taking care of your mother and finding your sister to worry about." My heart pinches with guilt at the thought of DanBi.

Of course, she would encourage a romantic pursuit. She herself was quite the romantic. She was also warm and affectionate with everyone she cared about. She hugged all of her friends and gave kisses on the cheek when greeting them. She loved to walk arm-in-arm with me or our mother. She would hate to see me living alone like this at my age. If she were around, she would be harassing me about finding someone to settle down with. She'd want to help me plan a wedding.

When was the last time I'd even been in a real relationship? I put my palms over my eyes and groan when I realize that I can't even remember. There'd been a few hook-ups with random guys from the bar but that doesn't really count. I was always so drunk anyway. I've been so preoccupied, I haven't met anyone that I have really wanted to be close with.

Oh great, I'm so lonely that reflecting on past hook-ups has got me hard as a rock. I'll never be able to sleep like this. I'm such a ridiculous human being. I shuffle sheepishly to the bathroom with a plan to quickly rub one out so I can go to sleep.

I try to think of past sexual encounters or pornos I've seen but I'm stuck and can't seem to make it to completion. Maybe I'm too tired? Maybe I really am getting old? Suddenly, a vision of Lucky's face comes into mind. I am disgusted with myself because it feels disrespectful somehow. But now that the thoughts have started, I can't seem to stop them.

I envision myself hovering over him, thrusting deep into him causing him to emit soft moans through his perfect pouty lips. I imagine sucking on his throat and feeling the vibrations of his moans that my rhythmic movements elicit. Then we'd stare deep into each other's eyes and he'd tell me how good I was making him feel and that he was going to cum soon. I'd tell him to cum hard to show me how good it felt. His back would arch and he would call out my name again and again. Then he would sit up and push me down so I was laying on my back. He would mount my still hard dick and ask me if I wanted him to ride me until I came in his ass. I would moan a "Yes, please!" He would smile slyly and lean back on his hands to give me a full show of his body as he threw his head back and rocked his hips at a furious pace.

For a moment, everything around me flashes white and I almost lose my balance. I catch myself against the wall with my free hand and manage to blow most of my load into the toilet. What have I done?

I groan aloud and my legs are quivering and feel weak. I am pathetic. I'm officially a pervert. I stumble back to my bed and fall into a deep sleep.

Ice Cream Bar, Book 1: Keep Lucky (🔥🔞 Spicy Version)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu