Chapter 19 - Keep (Saturday night continued)

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I stand awkwardly at the edge of the dance floor. I wish I had grabbed a drink at the bar when that group of ladies did with Lucky. Now I'm just some pervert gawking at the dancers from the edge of the dance floor.

"Oh my God, oh my God

This feeling's just begun

I'm saying things I've never said

Doing things I've never done..."

The whole bar erupts in screams of approval to the DJ for the song choice. I cover my ears but laugh in spite of myself. This is exactly the kind of energy the bar should be having on a Saturday night. Even though I knew we had good ideas, I can't believe how successful this very first night of my very first idea has been so far.

I do a quick scan of my surroundings. The bar is absolutely packed. There's no way we aren't making a ton of money tonight. There's not even enough room for everybody on the dance floor so a lot of people are just dancing wherever they are in the bar. I feel proud. I feel excited. Most importantly, I feel relieved. Ice Cream Bar appears to be back on the right track.

"Oh my God, oh my God

When I see you I should run

But I'm frozen in motion

And my head tells me to stop

Tells me to stop..."

I turn my attention back to Lucky and his gang. Lucky's old friends. From his old job. Lucky seemed so reluctant to talk about his past when we first met. He seemed so shy. But these girls that he was friends with are extroverted and vivacious. What kind of a bar had so many girls working at it anyway? Was it a lesbian bar? That would make sense, right?

I survey the dance floor. Lucky and his friends are pressed together, swaying to the beat of the music. They are cupping their hands around their mouths in an effort to talk to each other over the music. They are cheering each other on whenever someone tries out a new dance move. They are belting out the lyrics to the song - or at least words that are kind of close to the correct lyrics. Their joy is contagious. I can't help but smile with them.

Lucky is throwing his head back in laughter. I've never seen him look so relaxed. I can't help but feel a tiny bit jealous. He's always so tense around me. He's pretty timid when interacting with anyone so I know I shouldn't take it personally. Although, I do see him starting to warm up to ChaMin.

I'm actually more relieved that I did not follow Lucky out onto the dance floor when I see what a good dancer he is. I definitely would have embarrassed myself out there. His shoulders shimmy. His hips swing. His fingers point. He's oblivious to everything except the music right now. He looks so happy. He looks so beautiful. I'm tempted to step out onto the floor and use music and dancing as an excuse to touch him the way I'm dying to.

"Feeling, feelings I feel about us

Try to fight it but it's never enough

My heart is certain

It's more than a crush

'Cause I'm frozen in motion

And my head tells me to stop

But my heart goes..."

Suddenly, Lucky appears in front of me, arms outstretched. I shake my head, face bright red. All of a sudden, the other girls are surrounding me, too. They push and pull until I stumble onto the dance floor. Lucky appears in front of me again. His eyes are half closed and he's got a crooked grin plastered on his face. Is he already drunk? From that one bottle of soju?

Ice Cream Bar, Book 1: Keep Lucky (🔥🔞 Spicy Version)Where stories live. Discover now